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You thought it was over??

Baekhyun started to laugh, she couldn't be serious. Taehyung? BTS Taehyung? Nah..... K.A.R.D Taehyung?

"Y/N why would you make such a joke? You know Taehyung and I are good friends."

You glared at your baby daddy not laughing at all since it was true. "Baekhyun she's not joking." Amber informed.

"What!? How did this happen?"

"Shut the fuck up and I'll tell you." You mumbled.

"When I was pregnant with my baby Taehyung was with me and he helped me out. The day I was going into labor he so happens to be around the block and drove me to the hospital. Hours later I gave birth and before I can discuss anything he signed the paper."

"You didn't stop him?"

"And can you explain to me why I didn't?"

He dropped his eyes to the rocks shuffling his feet. "I cheated on you and I feel bad."

"Baekhyun don't you think you should get to Taeyeon? She might need help changing the diapers or something."

"I can't go back she kicked me out months ago and I was coming to see you."

"That's sucks because I have something else to tell you."


"Taehyung is fucking me better than you ever did so miss me with that "I was coming to see you" bullcrap."

"Bye Byun Baekhyun have a nice life."

Collecting the baby items and your purse  you sashayed away.

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