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Requested by AmbwFanfiction

"You ugly fat bitch I should burn your body and piss in your mouth!" I yelled at Quwanda.

I love messing with that girl, she's so fat and disgusting. Why would people sit next to her? She'll literally cause an earthquake.

Watching her ignore me and head to class I sliently followed her and smirked. All of her rolls probably has dead bugs and leftover food.

"Jungkook!!" Jimin screamed.


"Why are you messing with Quwanda? You've been bullying her since she came to this school."

"I hate that girl she irritates my soul, I just want to buy her salad."

"You need to stop Jungkook, this isn't like you. You have no idea what she goes through."

What the fuck is his problem? I shrugged my shoulders and opened the door. Luckly for me I sit next to Quwanda  everyday so she get to hear my mouth all day.

She rolled her eyes as she saw my face and continued working. "Hey fat slug, did you miss me?"

Her pencil kept moving but she held on to the item tighter. Now she was making me mad.

"Listen to me you pig!"

I yanked her hair and laughed as she yelp loudly.

"Jungkook stop!"

The teacher wasn't paying attention as he was sleeping his day away.

"If you don't answer when I call you I'll shove some salad and bleach down your throat."

I pushed her head back and she started to cry.

"Poor baby, you want a tissue?"

Quwanda looked at me and before I knew it she slapped me.

That hoe slapped me.

"I fucking hate you Jeon Jungkook!"

The whole class gazed at us and the teacher woke up.

"Every damn day I have to sit here and take your constant bullying. Do you know what I go through because of you? I try so hard to lose weight but it's not easy. Everyday I try to commit suicide and yet I still go to school the next day."

"My parents can't even go out with me because I am ugly, and I am a fat pig like you always say. They choose my sister over me just because she's slimmer, and thanks to you I probably should take more pills."

The girl glared at me one more time before running out.

Jimin and Yugyeom shook their heads in disappointment. "I can't believe I'm friends with you."


The gulit was eating Jungkook alive as he didn't see you for the past week. Did you go to another school? Are you sick? He wanted to tell you how sorry he now felt but couldn't. Sorry wasn't going to close the open wounds.

After school Jungkook went to the office and asked for your address. He needed to know if you were still breathing.

He ran towards your house out of breath holding his stomach.

Knocking on the door a girl at least fifteen years old opened the door and was crying.

"Excuse me.... but is Quwanda here?"

"N-no Quwanda was taken to the hospital."

"Why?" You voiced croaked.


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