One ~

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     "Mom, I'll be back for Christmas." I told my mother as she sobbed into my shoulder.
"My little baby is all grown up." She said pulling away from the hug we were in and smiling at me. I wiped the tears from her face and smiled back.
"I love you mom." I told her.
"I love you too baby girl." She said to me before I waved and walked into the airport. I was finally moving to London after two years of discussion with my mom about it, and I was so happy. It wasn't that I thought New Hampshire was bad or even America for that matter, but I was excited to get a change of scenery. I was planning on movie the previous year but my mom insisted I stay a little longer. It wasn't like I needed her permission, I was twenty two years old, but I wanted to respect her opinion.

     I had to wait in the airport for about thirty minutes before I actually boarded. Which made it a bit frustrating that I had rushed so much that morning, but I was too excited to care.
   I slept most of the plane ride, not having much to do while I waited to arrive I figured I might as well get some rest. I had a lot of stuff to do. I had already bought furniture and everything I really needed for the apartment, it was all waiting for me there. But I still had to set everything up or else it would just be a big pile of crap on the floor. After leaving the airport, I took a taxi to my new apartment. I looked over the building and smiled before walking in.
    When I figured out where my apartment actually was in the building I walked up three flights of stairs and finally found it sighing in relief. But to my surprise there were two tall men staring outside my door, trying to look it.
Great, perves. I thought before walking up to them.
"Can I help you?" I asked. The taller one jumped and turned around quickly. I swear I almost threw up right there.
"Oh, sorry love is this your-" He started talking.
"Y-you're Dan Howell." I stuttered.
"I am." He smiled. "And you are?"
    Still in shock, I tried desperately to remember my name.
"Aria." I said when I finally figured it out wanting to hit myself in the head.
"Nice to meet you Aria." He said holding out his hand and shaking mine. I couldn't believe I was actually having a conversation with Daniel Howell. "Oh umm, sorry about standing awkwardly outside your door. I realize we probably look extremely creepy."
   I looked over his shoulder almost forgetting Phil was there.
"It's fine." I said smiling. "I just can't believe you guy are... you."
"So you're a fan?" Phil asked grabbing one of my bags for me. I unlocked the door and opened it.
"Yeah." I replied almost laughing. "I have been since I was sixteen I believe."
"How old are you now?" Dan asked grabbing the rest of my stuff and carrying it in for me.
"Twenty two." I smiled.
"That's a long time." Phil laughed setting my bag down on the counter.
"You guys are pretty amazing." I said admiring my new apartment. I was trying to distract myself from the conversation so I didn't throw up.
"Well, it was really great meeting you." Dan smiled.
"We live across the hall." Phil said. "Come by anytime you like."
"Okay." I said trying not to smile too much but failing tremendously. "Oh wait-"
"Yes?" They both asked simultaneously. They looked at each other finding it creepy that they just said the same thing.
"Umm..." I tried. "Can I take a picture w-with you guys?"
"Of course!" Dan said. They both walked over to me. We took one picture of all three of us and then individual pictures of me with each of them. I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing intensely when I felt Dan kiss my cheek and put his arm around me while Phil took the picture.
"There you go." He said smiling and handing me my phone.
"Thank you guys so much." I smiled. "I'll try not to be this creepy next time we meet."
"As will we." Dan laughed before they both walked out the door and Phil closed it behind them. I sighed happily before jumping up and down and holding in a scream by biting my lip.
I normally didn't get like this, but Dan and Phil were my favorite youtubers ever and I was living across the hall from them. I calmed myself down and looked around the room. I sighed again and decided to set up some of the furniture. Well try to set up some of the furniture.
After hours of struggling I finally got the couch together. I realized I wasn't gunna be able to do all of this myself and it was already getting late. So I figured I'd go ask Dan and Phil.
'It's not weird, we're just neighbors... right?' I thought to myself as I knocked on the door three times. It quickly opened and I saw Dan towering above me. He really is taller than I expected.
"Hi." He said smiling. "Miss me already?"
I laughed slightly. 'Yes' I thought.
"I was just wondering if you guys would be willing to come help me set up some stuff in my apartment?" I asked.
"Of course we can!" Phil yelled from behind him before Dan could say anything. Dan laughed and nodded his head.
"Thanks." I said smiling. "I'm just now realizing I'm extremely weak."
"And you think we'll be able to help with that?" He joked walking out of his apartment and over to mine, me following closely behind.
"You're probably stronger than I am." I laughed closing the door after Phil walked in.
"Where should we start?" He asked smiling at me.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now