The Last Time

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Antione ran out the plane, leather messenger pounding against his back. He pushed past the eager reporters. They shifted aside, eyes expectant on the passengers slowly filing down the plane. Antione smirked, pulling the cap lower over his dyed hair. He jumped through security and customs, sprinting put the airport. He was barely panting as he launched himself into the limo. He sat forward. The screen rolled down, revealing his gray chauffeur.

"Eriq, bring me to Senato Hotel." Eriq rolled up the screen as he skillfully left the congested street. Antione gripped his seat as the car swerved left and right. A car swerved away, moments before Eriq would have smashed into it. The car abruptly stopped, launching Antione into the screen. The screen went down just in time. Antione grinned at Eriq.


"Go get her."

Antione pulled his head out. He ran out. He slowed to a walk. A tall woman in red stood near the entrance. She glanced up, meeting Antione's gaze. He caught his breath.

"Marie." He stopped right in front of her. Hope swelled in his chest. A conflicted expression appeared on her face.

"Antione." He took a step forward. She looked away. "Our table is waiting." A hostess bowed, showing her to a table in a private room. Antione sat down, watching her.

"So..... Is everything alright?" Marie stared into the murky depths of her tea.

"I guess. I just wanted to see you."

"You did?" His hand itched to hold her's, to squeeze and touch her cool skin. It started creeping towards her resting, gloved hand. Her's slowly started to inch forward. Antione withdrew. He looked down, shame burning his stomach.

We're divorced. This tryst would do us no good.

Her hand seemed to freeze. It slowly went to hold up the menu.

"Are you hungry?"

"No. I ate on the plane."

"You rode first class?"


"Is that why you dyed your hair blue?" Antione winced.

"I didn't want the paparazzi tracking my every move."

"Are you ashamed of me?"

"No!" Marie looked down her empty teacup. She set it down.

"I thought you were...."

"I wouldn't ever do such a thing. I love......" He trailed off. Marie turned pink. The waiter came up. He bowed. Brown tousled hair nearly hid blue eyes. He smiled, dimples showing.

"Hello. My name is Pierre. Do you have anything in mind?"

"I would like an Entrement Abricot Nougat." Antione handed the menu to him.

"A glass of sparkling water." Pierre bowed, leaving.

"I want to know something," Antione said. "Why did you want a divorce?"

"You were partying. You were wild. And I'm sure you cheated."

"I would never do that. I love you too much for that." Marie flinched.

"Why does Oceana say otherwise?" Antione made a noise of disgust.

"My manager was a load of lies. We did date for a time-"

Marie opened her mouth-

"-but that was long before I met you. A few years actually. We agreed to be friends. I don't know what got into her to say whatever she said to you."

"You always drink."

"I've been sober for six months."

"Why the parties?"

"I have no excuse for that. I wasn't acting properly. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you-"

"You didn't do anything bad."

"I disappointed you. That's more than what I said would be my worst." Antione looked into her eyes. "I love you. Can we.. Try again?"

"I can't do that again." Antione looked down. Marie tentatively reached for his hand. "But I'm sure you could find someone better."

"I could never find someone like you." Her smile dimmed a little.

"I'm sure you can."

"Who's eyes will sparkle like your's? Who could smile like you and make me as nervous as a young child? Who could draw out these poetic observations from me but you?" Pierre arrived, unloading the desert and placing the water in front of Antione. Pierre's smile widened when he turned to Marie. He winked. Marie gave a small smile.

"You are Mari Ivanoch?"

"The one and only."

"My shift ends in a minute. I think it would be interesting to talk with a celebrity." Antione narrowed his eyes. Pierre winked, leaving.

"He doesn't want to just talk with you." Marie turned, frowning.

"I know." They sat in silence. Pierre returned, dressed in a knit sweater and black slacks. Marie rose up. She took his arm. She looked back, a faint sadness tinging her voice.

"Goodbye, Antione."



Ok, so I apologize for not updating earlier. School just started and I'm swamped. Eh well, I'll probably update soon tomorrow! :)

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