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Hey everyone! I finally finished finals and I'm so happy! Now, I can focus on writing Blaire. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a lovely day! :)

*The picture above is Blaire


Matteo sat at the dinner table, eyes stuck on the iPad screen. Lotte deposited the remains of dinner in the fridge before washing her hands. She glanced at the screen.

"And here I thought you were going to read about your father," she mused. Matteo didn't reply. Lotte turned off the faucet, settling into the grey sofa. She turned on the television. An older, attractive man with high cheekbones and graying hair waved into a crowd.

"At 7:18 this morning, Adriano de la Chambre won the election of senator for the third time in a row. Unfortunately, we have been unable to contact him but in a statement released two hours ago, he says he is very-"

"Happy and grateful for this wonderful kindness," Matteo droned. He sat next to Lotte with a heavy thump. Lotte glanced at the game.

"Candy Crush?"

"Dominations hasn't been working. Under maintenance."

"Have you found any developments on the case?" Matteo scrolled through his iPad.

"There's a funeral coming up in a few days. The police have been investigating the crime. The driver, Kyouya Mori, survived. He was lucky. Only minor injuries and a concussion."


"Both died instantaneously from the looks of it. The driver was pulled out by a passerby. The car was engulfed in flames."

"So the driver survived?"

"Yeah. But Ye Sha's heir, Shirou Ranmaru, is in trouble. The driver just woke up. The police haven't gotten much out of him-"

"Which is good," Lotte sneered.

"-But it seems that Ranmaru had asked Kyouya to take an extra long detour when he was driving back. It was supposed to be a surprise for Yuko's birthday." Lotte stared at the screen. Matteo's father shook the Italian prime minister's hand, a smile fixed on his face.

"We'll need to interview him soon."

"Not now?"

"No. I got a call before dinner. The police here found some interesting facts about Jason Moor."
Kyoto, Japan

Blaire went down the narrow staircase, a glum expression on her face. Jason followed behind as two attendants brought down their luggage. Blaire entered the airport. Blaire blinked past the reporters, hands tightly clenched in her fur-lined pockets. She got in the waiting car, the chauffeur closing the door once Jason entered. He hugged her. Blaire let out a shaky breath as he pressed a kiss to her head. She nearly let our a sob when he murmured, "It's alright. It's going to be alright."

Blaire settled against his chest as a quiet whimper escaped. She leaned in as his arms held her.

They're gone.

A hollow ache came. Blaire got out the car, Jason and the doorman ushering her inside the hotel. Within minutes, she sat on the bed as Jason took a shower. Blaire buried her head between her knees, tears leaking. They hit the linen bed with dull thumps. A headache pounded through her head. The bathroom door opened, Jason coming out in a rush of steam. Blaire didn't bother lifting her head.

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