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Four Hours Ago...

"Bye, Blaire." Blaire smiled at the older women.

"Bye, Sandra." Blaire walked out of the office. Her heels clicked against the marble floor as she exited the therapy wing.


"Selene?" Selene walked up to Blaire.

"Good session?" Blaire nodded.

"Yes. This hospital is quite nice."

"It has good pay too." Selene lowered her voice. "I don't want to ask, but have you returned all of your pills to Sandra? That dosage was too strong, I apologize on behalf of the pharmacists-"

"Oh, it was fine. And don't worry, I've returned all of them." Selene frowned.

"If you say so. The amount you gave us was really small." Blaire looked down.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, no. That's not what I meant. Just, what happened to the rest of it?" Blaire looked up.

"I left them in a hotel in Tokyo."

"You should be more careful, Blaire. What if the next guest takes them? That dosage could be fatal." Selene sighed. "Please be more careful." Blaire nodded.

"Alright." Selene watched as Blaire walked away. Sandra stood next to her.

"Is she alright?" Selene murmured. Sandra raised her eyebrows.

"No. She's been doing over a decade of therapy and she's still not alright."

"Is it bad?"

"No. But she can't cope with loss." Selene gnawed her lip.

"Do you think she'll get over it?"

"Maybe. You never know."


Blaire sat across from Cora. She stared at the food before her.

"How was Italy?" Cora nibbled on a tart.

"It was alright. I bought a yacht."

"Hm. We can celebrate sometime. After this investigation blows over." Cora nodded.

"To be honest, I wish we were young again."

"We're in our mid twenties. We're not that old." Cora smiled faintly.

"I suppose so. I suppose I just miss our lovely, young adulthood."

"Yeah. It was nice."

"Do you like married life?" Blaire forced a smile.

"It's alright."

"The two of you were the ultimate cliche." Blaire blushed. Cora's smile faded. "I'm guessing you have a happy ending, like in the books and movies." Blaire nodded quickly.

"Well, we won't be young forever."


Blaire searched through Jason's office. She grit her teeth.

This is the fourth time today. In two weeks. What is so bad about it that he doesn't want me to know? Or....am I just being too dramatic?

She went into her closet, parting the designer outfits. At the end, a neat rack of dozens of shoes was pushed back against the wall. She grabbed the Dior boot at the bottom left, reaching in. The pill box jangled as she opened it, taking a small, white pill. She popped it into her mouth before dropping the case into the boot. She carefully placed the boot into it's place before walking out. She sat down. She took a deep breath. Her body eased as her face lifted of tension.

She closed her eyes. Sleep overtook her immediately.

Her breathing slowed.

A figure moved from the balcony. It opened the doors, wordlessly creeping in.

The figure moved silently past Blaire, into the office. A few minutes later, the figure came out, a faded, green, leather-bound journal in hand. Te figure placed it next to Blaire before going out the fire escape.

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