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Lotte stormed into the police station, a literal storm cloud hovering around her usually cool facade. Matteo edged around her, gently closing the door. A bell cheerfully jingled in the stunned silence. Zara dropped her smile.

"What happened?"

"You should know."

"The apartment thing? He can explain."

"Where is he?" She seethed. Zara pointed down the hall.

"My office."

Lotte stormed off. Matteo warily followed.


Ivan nervously twisted his tie. He grimaced. Cora gave him an odd look while Blaire nervously glanced at the door. He awkwardly rubbed his head.

"I'm acting like a schoolboy in the principle's office, aren't I."

"Was she really mad?" Ivan's tense shoulders slightly relaxed.

"She just sounded a little annoyed. Maybe she's not mad?"

"Maybe. She's one of the few who takes her job seriously." Cora solemnly put a hand on his thick shoulder. "And besides, we are in this together." Ivan nodded.

"To hell we go," he said.

"You guys are such drama queens," Blaire said. Ivan shrugged.

"Hey, you're not in this. I'm pretty scared of what Lotte will do."


"He's too good natured. I find it hard to see him angry," Cora said.


The trio flinched, unconsciously sinking into their seats. Lotte stomped across the room, heels stabbing into the worn wood floor. Ivan gulped when he met her gaze. Cora stiffened. Blaire dredged up a smile. Matteo silently filed past them, shooting a We're Going To Die But She'll Let Us Live In the End So You're Going To Be Fine look at them. Blaire shivered. The best friends silently found each other's hands.

Lotte managed to slam a piece of paper down. The sheet fluttered weakly against her hand. Her other hand menacingly held a pen over it. Matteo started twirling a pencil around his fingers. Lotte glared at Ivan.

"Explain." Ivan looked at the floor.

"Well, I-I. Well, you know. You see......." Lotte raised an eyebrow. Ivan broke down in a sweat. He stared at the floor.

"We hired a private investigator." Lotte's other eyebrow joined. Cora gave her a cool look. "Were you surprised? We care about Blaire."

"Why did you withhold this information from the police?" She asked calmly. Cora frowned.

"We did not. We told an Officer Mellony." Lotte blinked.

"And when was Officer Mellony here?" She asked calmly.

"At the beginning. Before you interviewed me," Cora said. "She said she was part of the team investigating," she said slowly.


Matteo shook, a splintered pencil in his hand.

"What day?"

"April 6."

Lotte glanced at Matteo. She looked over the trio.

"Has she been back?"


"Did she give any contact information?"


"Was she with anyone?"

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