Bubble Tea

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For anyone who thinks this story is coming to an end....

It is not.

A dull hum filled Matteo's ears. He glamced up at the AC. A fly flew around his head. He swatted it. It skirted out of his reach. He let out a noise. The other detectives gave him an odd look. Matteo forced his attention to the glass.

Lotte sat in front of the Louvre owner. The old man sat, eyes straying to the two way glass. He was just below 6 feet with well styled, grey hair. His aristocratic face betrayed nervousness upon seeing Lotte. Lotte gazed at the man with the unsympathetic look of a predator. She took out a file. The camera beeped silently in the corner of the interrogation room.

"Mr. Dantés?"


"I am Detective Baasch. I'll be asking a few questions." She paused, scrutinizing his face. The detectives around Matteo crowded against the glass. It was a strange honor for them to witness an interrogation conducted by the infamous Lotte Baasch. Matteo smiled in pride. The owner squinted.

"Baasch? Is your father Josef Baasch?"

"Yes. You know him?"

"Ah, yes. We were good friends once. In the same lawyer firm before we got carried off by our passions."

"Hmm." Lotte raised an eyebrow. Matteo grinned.

He's already askng her to go easy on him.

"Well, my father has never mentioned you."

The man blanched. He gulped. Lotte's eyes glinted. The other detectives took notes. A few slowly backed away as Lotte glanced at the glass.

"I suppose we should move onto questions. Mr. Dantés, how did you come in contact with Jason Moor?"

"We met at a Sotheby's auction house. Jason was looking into an impressionist piece that I wanted. After a big bidding war, Jason won. He felt bad so we ended up having lunch together-"

"What was the piece?" Lotte asked.

"Doves in Winter, by Angelica Cossemette."

Matteo clapped, trying fo get the fly. The other detectives stared. Matteo ignored them as he followed the fly.

"When was the next time you talked with Mr. Moor?"

"We would meet up several times a year but we also used Skype."

"You didn't answer the question."

"I think it was in January of 2013. We had lunch at Calais."

"Did the two of you ever get into an arguement?"

"A few times. About abstract art."

The fly buzzed by Matteo's ear. He swatted it. It flew away.

"What do you know about the pieces Jason Moor purchased for you as a birthday present?"

"The Picasso one is called-"

"I mean the reason why he bought so many." The man wiped away some sweat. His face reddened.

"I don't know what-"

"You're obviously lying. Answer me truthfully or I will investigate the Louvre itself." Matteo grinned as the othet detectives' jaws dropped.

"That was harsh."

"Called out!"


Dantés wiped his forehead. He gulped.

"Um......." Lotte's eyes narrowed.

"Be homest," she warned. The old man's eyes darted around the room. He suddenly stood in indignation.

"I say. Where is my lawyer. I need to do this with him." Lotte watched him for a moment longer before slowly going to the door. She knocked. It opened a fraction.

"Could you get Mr. Dantés's lawyer?" She asked. The door closed in reply. Lotte calmly walked around the sweating man. Matteo grinned. The fly flew right at him.

He smashed it between his hands.

The detectives startled. Matteo walked away, into a bathroom. He came out, hands clean as the lawyer sat down. The lawyer gave Lotte a neutral expression as Lotte took her seat.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Luciano," he answered, "Luciano Genovese." She held out her hand.

"Lotte Baasch." The two firmly shook hands. She turned to Dantés.

"You have not answered my question," she said calmly. The man turned red.

"You threatened me," he blustered. Lotte raised an eyebrow.

"I apologize if it sounded like a threat. I was merely informing you of a future investigation." The man paled considerably. Matteo leaned back in his chair. Lotte's gaze sharpened.

"Why did Jason Moor spend fifty million on a collection of abstract paintings that he gave to you?" She asked. Luciano frowned as he turned to Dantés. Dantés glared at him. Luciano shook his head.

"He..... He...." He stopped. Lotte's eyes narrowed.

"He what."

"He owed me a debt!" He exploded. Dantès sat down, covering his face. Lotte watched him calmly.

She smiled as she got up.

"Thank you. You may go. Mr. Genovese, please accompany your client out the station. He looks rather....tired."

Dantés gaped as Luciano rose. The two walked out. Lotte turned off the recorder before leaving the room.


"You just needed that one answer, didn't you," Matteo said. He stared at Lotte on the couch in her apartment. Lotte sipped her bubble tea.

"Yes. It was a pleasant surprise when I found out Genovese doesn't even like his client."


"Do you remember Luciano shaking his head at one point? If he was a good lawyer, he could turn the situation on it's head. He could have dissolved the conversation into an argument about private rights."

"Why doesn't he like the guy?"

"He's paid rather well. And he probably knows enough these days to sufficiently blackmail the fellow if he so chooses. So what does he know?" Lotte mused. She suddenly grinned. "Perhaps he knows something he shouldn't. Something that's bad enough that he's turned against him." Matteo slurped the tapioca pearls in his tea.

"So what do we do now?"

"Now? We drink tea."

"After that?"

"We go back for more tea. But we also investigate Dantés's financial records."

"You really like bubble tea, don't you."

"Yes. It's as good as my hot chocolate."

"It is not."

"It is."

What bubble tea flavor do you guys think Lotte and Matteo drink?

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