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"Blaire, wake up."

She opened her eyes. Sunlight streamed in through the large, glass windows. Ivan sat near the bed. He scratched his head, a relieved look on his face.

"Thank God. I didn't think you would wake up."

"What's the time?" Blaire asked, staring at the bedroom ceiling.

"Time? 4 AM."

"How long was I sleeping?"

"A day and a half. missed your fashion show." Blaire paled, sitting up.

"Are they mad?"

"Not really. Jason did run away and he is the prime...." Ivan glanced at her face. "Never mind." Blaire sat on the edge of the bed. "Cora is sleeping in one of the guest rooms."


Blaire's face turned bright red. Ivan got up.

"You hungry?" She nodded, face still red. Ivan grinned. "Come on."

Blaire followed him through the halls. Ivan walked past a marble island, opening a fridge. He peered inside. "Do you need a drink? Cora stuffed it full of food earlier today." Blaire sat in a chair.


"We have......champagne." Blaire laughed.

"Is that it?" She asked, a tinge of humor in her desolate voice. Ivan relaxed.

God, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for her laugh. I was so scared it was gone...

"Wait a moment." Ivan took out jars and containers of food neatly labelled in curling script. "We do actually. Ginger ale, sparkling water, water, lemonade, orange juice, grape juice,"

"Beer?" Blaire scrunched her nose. "Why beer?"

"Maybe she thought you would like it?" He shrugged.

"Jason....Jason was the only one who drank beer," Blaire said. Ivan frowned, taking out a bottle.

"This brand is horrible." Blaire winced at the label.

"Jason didn't even like this." Ivan put the can inside.

"Well, there's a lot more. Grapefruit juice, sparkling soda, a lot of ice coffee, and smoothies."

"I'll have an ice coffee."

"As you wish, ma'am. Excellent choice." Ivan set down the glass bottle in front of her. "Now what would you like for dinner?" Blaire smiled.

"Well, what would you recommend?" Ivan rummaged through the fridge.

"Hm, perhaps some crumpets? Or gingerbread?" Blaire pointed to a container.

"How about we try that?" Ivan turned. He raised his eyebrows.

Never knew she liked....

"Stinky tofu," he deadpanned.

"We could eat it with sushi and sticky rice."

"As you wish." Ivan bowed dramatically. He opened the containers, transferring the rice to the pan. Blaire got up. Ivan raised his hand. "Blaire, I can do this."

"Are you sure? You never cook anything unless you're away from civilization."

Well yeah..... But that's because I don't have time for cooking! I love food!

"Yes. I'll be fine. And I do cook. I cook eggs." Blaire grinned, wrapping her arms around his broad back. Ivan stiffened.

"You and Cora are my best friends. You know that, right?" He relaxed.

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