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Hey everyone!

I hope you all have had a lovely week! The pace is fairly slow, but I promise I will write more once finals are finished! Thanks for reading this and don't forget to comment and vote! :)

*The picture above is Blaire


"Jason, we're going to be late."

"So?" Jason frowned from the bed, no shirt. Blaire crossed her arms.

"I haven't seen them in two years."


"I have to change."

"But why?" Blaire kissed him on the cheek.

"We'd be too late." He pouted as Blaire laughed. Jason smiled. She rarely laughed these days, a distant expression replacing her smile. She toweled off her misted hair, changing into a silk dress. "You need to change too."


Blaire tilted her head at a marble statue. She didn't bother to turn as a man stood next to her.

"This is a weird piece," he said.

"I think it's rather sweet. The man fighting as his love watches from afar." He grinned.

"A hopeless romantic, Roza."

"Nice to see you too, Ivan."

The two embraced. Ivan patted her back.

"I've missed you too."

"Ivan?" Blaire drew back immediately. An indecipherable emotion flashed through Jason's face, quickly replaced by a casual smile. "I haven't seen you since Christmas." Ivan scratched his head.

"Yeah. I've been traveling." Blaire grinned.

"Let me guess, Antarctica?" Ivan ruffled Blaire's hair. She covered her head, swatting his hands away. Ivan grinned.

"Nope. I went there two years ago. You could guess again," Ivan offered. Blaire tapped a finger against her chin.

"What about....Jamaica."

"That was four years ago."


"A week before Christmas."


"We're in it right now."


"Two years ago."

"Sweden." Ivan hesitated.

"I was there half a year ago."

"Yay. I finally got it-"

"After five tries."

"That's not the point," she replied. Ivan held his hands up.

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