When The Plot Thickens

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Now that school's out I'm going to update twice a week! Surprise! :) This chapter features Matteo flailing as he asks Lotte a question and a new discovery. I hope you guys like it and don't forget to comment and vote!

*The picture above is Lotte's apartment

Matteo bit an apple as Lotte taped a sticky note to the board. The web of newspaper articles, pictures, and notes spanned half the wallpapered wall. Matteo stood next to her. He bit into a pocky stick.

"This looks like it's from a movie," he said. Crunch. "A dramatic movie." Lotte added another note.

"It helps me think," she replied.

"Jason met Blaire at a fashion show. But how? Jason just looks....done."

"Well, it's probably because his wife is mourning and he just got embroiled in a murder case."

"Well, yeah. But still." Lotte scribbled onto a notecard.

"Introduction most likely. Or, if he is acting like other billionaires, he walked up and asked her out."

"Do you like that?" Lotte's pen stilled as she gave him an odd look.

"Like what?"

"A guy just demanding a date."

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Um, well... you're a girl. And successful. Like Blaire. So maybe....?" Lotte sighed. She took a deep breath.

"No, Matteo. That's a jerk move." A pause. "But thank you."

"What." Lotte smiled. Matteo blinked.

"Thank you for telling me I'm as successful as Mrs. Moor." Matteo stared down at his feet. Lotte turned to the board. "Did you get any updates about the possible murderer?"

"No.... Everyone, even the forensics team, are stumped."

"How odd. Nothing's been done?"

"I don't think so."

Two Weeks Ago...
New York
"We think the person was standing to the left side of this column," Officer Mellony said. She flipped her caramel curls as Officer Trent pointed to the taped x. A cut out of Abromsky's sprawled figure stood about four feet away from the x. Lotte raised an eyebrow. She gestured to the x.

"That isn't possible." Mellony stiffened. She gave a laugh.

"And why isn't it possible?" She asked, voice dripping with fake pleasantness. Lotte walked to the x, heels hitting the floor in sharp, concise bursts. She stared at the x.

"The bullet would have entered through the back of her head. It went through her forehead," she stated. Matteo grinned as Mellony's face shriveled. Lotte looked down, mouth almost twitching. She moved the x to the opposite side.

"Are you two the forensic scientists?" The two shook their heads.

"We were assigned this case too," Trent said. He tapped his foot. Matteo massaged his face. Lotte half smirked when she caught his rolling eyes. Trent cleared his throat. Lotte gestured to the x.

"Thank you for your time. I believe Matteo and I can take it from here."

"You sure?" Lotte smiled.

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