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Woooh! Man, writing a chapter a day is somewhat stressful yet at the same time, incredibly fulfilling. Well, anyways, I hope you guys like this and don't forget to comment and vote! :)


"Madame, the detectives." Cora narrowed her eyes. Matteo shifted. She smiled. Lotte dipped her head.

"Welcome. You are?" She asked. Cora nodded to the butler. The man walked away as the two detectives watched the billionaire heiress. Cora beckoned them. Matteo stood in front of her.

"Matteo de la Chambre." She held out her hand. Matteo kissed it. Lotte's eyes faintly flickered with irritation as she shook Cora's hand.

"Lotte Baasch."

"The lawyer turned detective?" Lotte nodded. "Then I know this case is in good hands. Sit, sit." Lotte and Matteo sat across her in a white couch. Cora smiled as she flicked her wrists around the room. "You are the first visitors who are not phased by my wealth. Then again, your families are perhaps more successful than mine." Matteo casually leaned back. He sent a casual smile to the woman. Her eyes gleamed. A low roar entered Lotte's ears.

"Well, we're here to ask questions, not be dazzled," Matteo replied. His gaze flitted over the chandelier and gilded furniture before settling back on her face. Lotte bit her tongue. Cora leaned forward, her low dress parting. She waited. One. Two. Three. Matteo didn't look. She laughed.

"Truly, your act almost got me," she said. Matteo's smile dissolved as Lotte blinked, her mouth opening a little. She sent a glare to him, mouth a firm line. Cora smirked as she tilted her head. "When did you two start dating? Even I didn't know until I met you two."

Lotte's face turned red.

Matteo coughed.

"We will not date each other," they answered. Cora laughed. She clapped her hands.

"A double surprise. How rare. Well, either way, your reactions say quite the opposite."

"What do you mean?" Lotte asked.

"Well, I have always gone by the saying of actions speak louder than words." She looked at the couple. "Though I suppose in your case, it's reactions." A faint, angry aura emanated off of Lotte. Matteo stared at her with wide, puppy eyes.

"How did you know?" He asked, half awed.

"I don't own one of the most successful celebrity magazines for no reason," she replied. She took a strawberry from the luscious spread of food before her. "Well, that and the fact that I own a private army." Lotte's eyebrows rose. Cora gestured to the glass table between them. "Eat, eat. My guests always receive the best." Both looked at each other before tentatively reaching for a lone canola. Matteo broke the crispy treat in half, giving it to Lotte. Cora's eyes gleamed in earnest at the move.

"We have questions to ask you, Miss...." Cora waved her hand.

"Call me Cora. No one, even my fellow Czechoslovakians, cannot pronounce it."

"Well, Miss Cora," Lotte said, "our questions concern Blaire Moor and Jason Moor." Cora nodded enthusiastically.

"And can I say anything about Sonya?" She asked. Matteo started. Lotte's eyes widened. Cora smirked. "It seems so." Matteo leaned forward.

"Did you...know Sonya?" Cora shook her head.

"No. I only saw her with Jason in Paris for a week."

"Could you describe the relationship they had?" Lotte asked. Cora shrugged.

"Well, I never bothered to get to know Jason. But I did once see them tangled up in a French kiss on a balcony."

"When was this?" Lotte asked.

"Oh. When I was personally stalking the celebrities who would end up on the front page of my magazine the next day." Lotte blinked.

"And when was this issue released?"

"I decided not to. It wasn't horrific or surprising. That was when I decided to oust that political candidate, Jean D'Rache."

"Do you still have the photographs?"

"Yes." Cora paused. "It's strange, really. Blaire never even knew about Sonya until this investigation started. She snooped around. Apparently, she found Sonya's diary where she professed her love of the man." Cora ate another strawberry. "Though, I suppose what I have just said is not enough for any bad impression on the man. He's simply distant." Lotte nodded.

"Do you have any concerns about Jason Moor?" Cora paused eating a third strawberry.



"She was expecting us," Matteo said. Gulls cawed overhead as the two sat under a cheery, blue umbrella next to a cafe. Lotte watched a boy throw a piece of bread into the air, whooping as a gull swept in with it's large mouth.




Matteo and Lotte took out their phones.


"To great men, the graceful homeland," Matteo said. He met Lotte's gaze.

"The Pantheon."


Lotte's boots clicked against the colorful marble. Visitors milled along the edges. Lotte frowned as Matteo walked around in circles.


Lotte looked down.

Miguel Blanco
Like the three conspirators in Edmond Dantés life, he is a Corsican consumed with grief yet love.
Find him and you find her.
Find her
Your case is solved.

Dramatic, no? There are certainly a few surprises coming up....;)

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