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In a tiny insignificant English town, where not many people harbored, lived an aristocratic family of three. A couple with their handsome, arrogant son. They were known to look down on people for lack of appearance and wealth; so much so, that they were utterly shocked when their son, who had abruptly disappeared one day and reappeared a few months later just as suddenly. Months prior, the couple had suffered through a great scandal, when they heard that their son had been seeing the poor girl that lived deeper within the town, her name, Merope Gaunt.

Wanting to put a stop to the rumors they lied, denying anything that they had seen, heard, or known. Yet, nothing stopped the rumors. On the day their son disappeared he was last seen heading into town for an evening walk, that would be that last thing that they heard from their son for almost a year.

During that time of his disappearance they mourned him as if he were dead. The woman felt her face heat up everytime she imagined her son lying on the ground lifeless somewhere in England. When he did show up they gladly took him in as if nothing had happened.

Little did they know that their son had left Merope without a second glance back, very pregnant with their unborn son. A son who would grow up alone in an orphanage, feeling nothing but bitterness and anger towards the parents that abandoned him. Not only to those who abandoned him but everyone else too. Striving to get only power and dominance in the world. Or will he?

This is where the story truly begins:


December 21, 1960 London, England

On the small steps of a dingy inn in the small town of Little Hangleton sat a crying woman. To most people, they knew of the scandal, what everyone thought, and intentionally ignored the sobbing woman on the steps. The people already knowing what had happened, hadn't bothered to stop to ask why she sat there alone on the steps sobbing. Suddenly right behind her, just past the shrubbery, there was a bright flash behind the tall greenery that surrounded the Inn's settings.

A woman with a long, thick braid going over her slender shoulders. The only thing concealing her, was her long, thick, black cloak. It dragged slightly behind her as she walked slowly. The hood of it pulled over her face, so the only thing that could be seen was the tip of her nose and lips. She quietly walked down the row of long, branched out shrubs, only the sound of her shoes echoing on the cobble stoned path could be heard.

"Merope Gaunt." She murmured softly, to the sobbing woman.

A sobbing, Merope looked up from where she sat on the stone steps. The cloaked woman beckoned her to stand, offering her hand to her. She extended an arm towards the extremely pregnant woman, helping her stand. Once on her feet the raven-haired woman looked towards the cloaked woman, her eyes blinking away the tears that had been left over.

"I need you to follow me, there's only enough time to give you a brief explanation." The woman explained as she led the raven-haired woman away slowly.

"Where are you leading me to?" She asked, worriedly, slowly following the tiny woman.

The woman led her through a narrow passage that led to the eerier edge of the small township, wordlessly. They walked quietly, the only that they could hear was the sound of the cool breeze as it blew through the trees surrounding the now narrowing road.

When they reached the edge of a narrow, uneven path, the once thinning lively trees slowly began turning into dried out lifeless trees.

The cloaked woman quietly made her way towards the trees to continue the path. However, before the woman could take another step. Merope, the raven-haired woman stopped her from taking another step. The raven haired woman began to hiss lowly. Suddenly a long, thick serpent slithered towards the pregnant woman, stopping before her feet.

Iniquity Rises Book 1 of Iniquity Series~Now Complete~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя