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I stared at the ceiling, my mind drifting as Yoongi and Hoseok started talking. I wanted to sleep, everything felt weird in my stomach after dinner.

"I feel weird.." I mumbled, laying down on the bed. I heard Yoongi scoff and head over to me. I felt his hands rest on my back.

"We're having fun tonight, babe." Yoongi sneered, running his hands down to my ass. I turned my head to face him. He simply smirked. I heard Hoseok's feet stomp over to the couch.

"Why don't I take you upstairs, and you'll wait for me and Yoongi, okay?" Hoseok smiled, taking my hand and helping me up. I nervously nodded, limping as he assisted me up the stairs.

I sat on the bed, staring at him as he went to the door. He turned, blowing a kiss to me, then turning down the hall.

I kicked my legs around, sitting on the ledge of the bed. I sighed, laying back and resting my head on my arms.

As I watched the ceiling fan, I heard people walking near the room. I sat up quickly, spotting Yoongi and Hoseok hurrying into the room. I smiled, backing my body into the center of the bed.

Yoongi slammed the door behind him, sighing as Hoseok began to strip his clothes off. I was fully clothed, still in the clothes Hoseok picked for me.

Yoongi already had his shirt off, rushing to the bed. He crawled onto the bed, getting closer to me. I felt my cheeks heat up as he pulled at my shirt.

Hoseok quickly joined us, wrapping his legs around me from behind. He helped Yoongi slide off my shirt, the cold air causing my body to shiver.

"Baby, are you cold?" Hoseok faintly whispered in my ear. I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt Yoongi's hands undo my jeans as Hoseok trailed kisses down my lonesome neck.

I was too absorbed in what Hoseok was doing, until I heard a tear from my legs. Yoongi had ripped my boxers, creating a hole. I stared at him as he pulled me off of Hoseok, pressing my upper body on the bed.

Hoseok shuffled in front of me, petting my face. I felt dizzy as the room became silent.

A distant squirt from some type of gel, could be heard. It was most likely lube, and Yoongi was probably going to tear my body apart.

But I wanted it so bad.


I watched Yoongi wrap his hands around Jimin's waist. I rubbed his head, his curly hair going through my hands.

Jimin's eyes went wide as he let out a gasp. Yoongi scrunched his nose, slowly pushing himself deeper into the young boy.

"Get your mouth around him, baby.." Yoongi whispered to Jimin, a faint whine coming from him as he pushed himself up. He gasped slightly before putting his mouth around my dick.

I hummed, rubbing his neck as he started bobbing his head. His body was fast, Yoongi's thrusting probably effecting him.

I didn't mind though, it still felt good. Yet, Yoongi didn't seem pleased yet.

He wrapped his hands around Jimin's arms, pulling them back. Jimin didn't do anything but furrow his eyebrows. I nervously watched him rock back and fourth on us.

I felt somewhat, bad.

//AU: wasssupp. I go to band camp at 9:30 am tomorrow, h A.

Anyway, here's my update until I have time to update something again.

Love you guysss.

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