don't cry

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Jimin eyed his dirty feet, watching as the tears slowly erased the scum. "Why- I..." Jimin coughed quietly, trying to wipe his running nose, but failing with his chained hands.

He looked up, seeing Hoseok walk into the room, his face sincere and kind. It was so more comforting than Yoongi's stone cold face.

"Hi, Jiminie~. Are you doing okay? I brought water, not drugged.." Hoseok sighed, kneeling to Jimin. Jimin looked in Hoseok's chocolate eyes.

"Why...Let me go, p-please...Hoseok.." Jimin whispered, his voice cracking between his tears. Hoseok brought his hand up, and Jimin clenched his eyes closed, prepared for the smack.

He felt Hoseok's hand run through his hair. "I-I'll let your hands go..You won't be able to mess with your feet- Yoongi made sure that you could never get out, even if your hands were untied..I'm sorry.." Hoseok sighed. "Only Yoongi and I can undo your feet, and I don't want you to get us in trouble, Jimin.."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Jimin cried, watching as Hoseok reached for his left wrist.

Hosoek looked back at the male, running his hand down his neck. "Give me a kiss, first.."  Hoseok smiled, pushing his body closer to Jimin's.

Jimin pushed his head forward, planting his lips onto Hoseok's lips. Hoseok gently sucked on Jimin's bottom lip, putting his hand behind Jimin's head.

Hoseok pulled away, watching the spit fall onto Jimin's bottom lip. "Good boy.." He chuckled, leaning back to Jimin's wrists. He undid the rope, watching it fall to the ground.

Jimin pulled his arms to his legs, watching his hands shake. He looked at Hoseok, who was smiling kindly, and his hands. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Jimin pressed his hands to Hoseok's face, pulling him to a kiss. Their lips collided together, the loud smacking could be heavily heard in the room.

Hoseok pressed Jimin against the pole harder, licking Jimin's teeth, begging for Jimin to move his hands more. He didn't seem to get the hint either, so Hoseok placed his hands on Jimin's, moving them to his lower stomach.

Jimin ran his hands up and down Hoseok's torso, moving his head from the kiss. Hoseok smiled, quickly moving his head to Jimin's neck, pecking up and down it. The male moaned softly, Hoseok's lips gently sucking on Jimin's soft neck.

"Hoseok? Can you help me get his food? Are you in there?" Yoongi asked, his voice loud from even inside the room. Hoseok jumped to his feet, pushing Jimin's hands off him.

Hoseok rushed to the door, slipping out of the room. Shortly after, both of them entered with plates of stuff. Hoseok also had three blankets and a pillow. 

Hoseok gently laid the blanket on the floor, sighing as it didn't go under Jimin. "could you lift him a bit? His feet are chained to the pole, and the chains are long enough for you to lift him a little, Yoongi.." Hoseok sighed. Yoongi smiled and nodded, wrapping his arms around Jimin's chest and lifting him a bit.

Hoseok spread the blanket where Jimin was sitting then nodded at Yoongi. Jimin was sat on the floor again, his naked body a bit warmer with the comfort of the blanket.

The chains were long enough for Yoongi to lift him, so we're the chains long enough for Jimin to make it out the door, close the chain in the door, perhaps break it?

The two men began to lay down food. A bowl of strawberries and blueberries, a bowl of granola, a pitcher of tea, and french toast. Jimin was perplexed. All this for him?

"I see that look on your face Jimin, no this isn't just because you're here. We always have breakfast like this." Yoongi scoffed, picking up Jimin's head to look him in the eye.

Jimin nodded, wiping his hands off his thighs. "And Hoseok let your hands free? Hmph...I guess that's fine, as long as Hobi was the one who did it." Yoongi smiled, pinching Hoseok's cheek. Hoseok smiled and wrapped his arm around Yoongi.

Jimin noticed that Yoongi had all of his clothes on, and looked way more proper and styled. He wore a black turtle neck and ripped black jeans. Jimin laughed to himself, black seemed to be his color. Yoongi also had a pair of glasses on, and the poor lighting in the room shined off of them.

"Why is Yoongi all dressed up?" Jimin croaked, his voice still crackling. Yoongi looked over to him, smiling.

"I have work in thirty minutes, I work all week. 7:30 AM to 10:30 PM." Yoongi sighed, "It's Monday, if you somehow forgot, honey.. I took yesterday off, and I'm so happy I did. Look where you are because, of that.." Yoongi sneered, rubbing Jimin's head.

"Does Hoseok not work?" Jimin asked again, watching Hoseok fill three plates of food.

"No, he doesn't. My money supports us, and Hobi is a trust fund brat. His father buys him anything, not to mention his father is rolling in it.." Yoongi laughed, taking his plate from Hoseok. Hoseok stuck out his tounge, rolling his eyes.

Hoseok took a seat beside Jimin, "Baby, you better hurry. I'll stay here and feed Jimin. Okay?" Hoseok cooed, looking at his boyfriend sternly. He knew what would happen if Jimin kept asking him questions, Yoongi would hurt him.

"Hmph- okay..but, I can't trust you, Hobi. You uncuffed him. Get out of the room, I need to say something to Jimin.." Yoongi hissed. Hoseok nodded and dashed out of the room.

Yoongi sighed and went to the side of the room, pulling open a drawer. He pulled out a hammer. Jimin's syes went wide as Yoongi came closer.

He leaned over and pulled Jimin's ankle from under him. He pulled the cuff up as little, so he could easily hit Jimin's ankle.

Jimin couldn't move, he was frozen in the spot as Yoongi lifted the hammer and slammed it upon his ankle.

An ear pericing scream came from Jimin and tears fell speedily from his eyes. "It's only because I know Hoseok will undo your cuffs. I'm sorry, honey.." Yoongi sighed and lifted Jimin's chin.

He smashed his lips into Jimin's. Yoongi pulled back, smirking as he stood and rushed out of the room.

Jimin looked back at his swelling ankle.

//AU: heyhoes.

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