don't cry

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Yoongi stepped into the room, making his way to Jimin. He bent over, quickly undoing the cuffs to Jimin's wrists.

Jimin laid there; tears falling quickly on his face.

He felt Yoongi's boney fingers touch his ass, pulling the vibrating object out of him. Jimin shivered and curled into a ball, still bawling.

Jimin looked up, hands bringing him off of the table. Yoongi's face was plain; it didn't have emotion. He looked..scary?

Yoongi brought Jimin into the living room, resting the boy on the couch. Yoongi made it so Jimin was lying on his knees and arms, his bottom in the air.

Jimin looked around for Hoseok, not spotting the man. He did notice it was 9:30 AM, meaning Yoongi took the day off.

Yoongi came back in, his face still emotionless. He seemed to have clothes in his hand, but also more beer.

He tossed the clothes at Iimin, who was still crying. "Shut up, Brat. I'll give you something to cry about.." Yoongi growled, holding onto Jimin's chin.

Jimin still cried, unable to hold back his emotions. Hoseok. He wanted Hosoek not Yoongi.

Yoongi quickly smacked Jimin's thighs, making Jimin whimper. The younger looked back at Yoongi, his sad?

Jimin quickly grabbed the clothes and sat up right, wincing at his ankle. As he began to put on the clothing, he watched Yoongi open a beer.

Yoongi pressed the bottle to his lips, chugging the beverage quickly. After a giant gulp, he let out a sigh as he put the beer on the coffee table.

"Come here, idiot." Yoongi growled qt the clothed male that sat far away from him. Jimin gulped and crawled over to Yoongi.

Before he could get there, Yoongi picked him up, putting Jimin on his lap.

"Pretty boy.." Yoongi mumbled. Jimin could already tell Yoongi was wasted, he must've had beers before this one.

"Hyung- How many drinks have you had?" Jimin mumbled, running his hand up Yoongi's shirt.

"'s only six drinks, don't worry your pretty head.." Yoongi chuckled, pulling Jimin closer to him.

Jimin groaned, Yoongi running his hand up Jimin's leg. ".....h-hyung.." Jimin mumbled, pressing his head into Yoongi's neck.

"Why are you doing this to me...?" Jimin whined into Yoongi's neck. Yoongi stopped for a second, not moving.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Jimin.." Yoongi croaked, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin ran his hand down Yoongi's back, rubbing it.

"I'm such a bad person, they were right, I should've died..." Yoongi cried into Jimin's shoulder.

"Who said that, Hyung?"

"My" Yoongi choked, wiping his face.

"I'm sorry..." Jimin felt his throat get froggy, watching Yoongi cry.

"I'm not good enough for Hoseok- for you- for my parents..I can't do anything right.."

"Don't say that, Hyung..don't cry, please.." Jimin whined, kissing Yoongi's neck.

"Jimin- I'm so sorry..You didn't deserve this, I'm so were just living life- being yourself..I'm sorry. I hurt you. Bad.." Yoongi sighed, pressing Jimin into a hug.

Jimin felt his tears fall, as he clenched Yoongi. "It's okay..."


//AU: okay, fuck Wattpad wth.

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