listen to you

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Jimin winced, holding onto Hoseok as he wobbled into the dining room, Yoongi smiling. "I'll get him, babe.." Yoongi stood from his seat, pacing over to Jimin.

Jimin hadn't seen the kitchen yet, which was the same room as the 'dining' room. The way everything was white, spotless, and the marble floor, it was breathe taking.

Yoongi laid his arms under Jimin's armpits, leading the male to a stool, that didn't look like it belonged with the glass table, the two other chairs wooden and firm, unlike the flakey, white, wobbly stool.

The table was round, like it was only meant for two people, which it was. Hoseok and Yoongi were on the opposite side of each other, and the two could easily reach each other's hands.

Jimin watched as Hoseok began to prepare Yoongi's plate, and his own, Yoongi picking up his phone and scrolling through it.

Jimin sighed, looking at Yoongi. He was so hot, but cruel. Jimin flared his nose, scooting his stool over to Yoongi, where he could put his hand on Yoongi's thighs.

And so he did, Jimin snaked his hand up Yoongi's black jeans, resting his hand on Yoongi's inner thigh.

He didn't notice any change on Yoongi's face, expect for a deep exhale, and Jimin was about to pull his hand away and until he felt Yoongi's warm hands on his.

Yoongi began to move Jimin's hand, kneeding Yoongi's thigh. After a bit, Yoongi pulled his hand away, leaving Jimin to do it himself.

Hoseok handed a plate to Yoongi, smiling sweetly and blowing him a kiss, which Yoongi blew back, while Jimin moved his hand harshly on Yoongi's thigh.

"I'll get him a plate if you tell me how he acted, get yourself one, Hobi.." Yoongi pushed Hoseok's hand away from another plate. Hoseok looked into eyes.

"He slept mostly all day, he's in so much pain, please Yoongi. I haven't fed him all day, let him eat now..." Hoseok begged, grabbing Yoongi's hand. Yoongi frowned.

He quickly turned to Jimin, grabbing his jaw. Jimin stiffened, his hand stopping. "I'll fill out a list of chores for you, you'll do them everyday, and I'll receive a text from Hoseok when you complete them, okay? If you didn't complete them all, you won't get dinner." Yoongi scoffed, pushing away Jimin and reaching for a plate.

Yoongi filled it with Tangpyeongchae, Jimin smiling politely, even though he didn't like the stuff. He watched as Yoongi put rice on his plate too, leaving the kimchi alone, which Jimin loved.

"Can I have some of it?" Jimin whined, pointing to the small white bowl full of it. Yoongi frowned and handed Jimin his plate.

"No, you cannot, only me and Hoseok." Yoongi hissed, handing Hoseok metal chopsticks. Jimin frowned and reached for chopsticks, but his hand was smacked away by chopsticks that Yoongi was holding.

He handed Jimin wooden ones, and a spoon. Jimin sighed, and leaned back to his plate.

"How was your day, Yoongi?" Hosoek cooed, taking a bite of his rice. Jimin listened to the two talk and talk, until the room became quiet.

"May I go lay down? I'm finished." Jimin squeaked, laying down his chopsticks.

"No. Stay here. Drink the rest of your tea, stupid. Don't be wasteful." Yoongi hissed, pushing Jimin's cup of tea closer to him.

Jimin sighed, obeying as he lifted the glass to his mouth, sipping the tea. He watched as Yoongi stood and took all three of their plates, putting them in the sink, along with their empty glasses.

"It was so sad seeing you in that room all alone, sleep with us, Jimin.." Hoseok stood, whispering into Jimin's ear. Jimin turned around, grinning and nodding.

"Yoongi, he'll sleep with us, okay? " Hoseok kissed the side of Yoongi's cheek, who was grabbing a bag of microwaveable popcorn.

"Okay..He'll have to prove he deserves the spot in our bed, though." Yoongi snickered, putting the popcorn in the microwave, slamming it's door as he fiddled the buttons.

Hoseok turned red, chuckling. "How hot. Are we watching a movie or was dinner not enough for you, silly?" Hoseok giggled, watching the timer on the microwave go down.

Jimin watched the two talk like a normal couple, who had a small child.  He frowned, grabbing at Hoseok's tank top.

"We're watching a movie, and Yoongi said you'll get to rest, you'll need it for tonight." Hoseok smiled, picking up Jimin, surprising Jimin himself.

Yoongi grabbed the popcorn and rushed into the living room, Hoseok laughing and following with Jimin in his arms.

Yoongi had a blanket held in his hand, with the remote to the tv. Hoseok sat and laid Jimin on his lap and Yoongi's, the two kissing Jimin's head before laying a blanket down.

Yoongi grabbed another remote and dimmed the lights, amazing Jimin. His house didn't have the technology, this was all new.

Jimin closed his eyes, snuggling his head into Yoongi's pants, hearing a movie beginning.

A few minutes into the movie, Jimin was still awake, but laid there peacefully, until he heard Yoongi and Hoseok start to talk.

"I think he's a virgin..Are you sure it won't hurt him? " Hoseok whined, shuffling with Jimin on his lap.

"Virgin?! You're so funny, Hobi. Even if he is though, I watched him deep throat a giant banana at the gym once, so he'll do good." Yoongi chuckled, leaning on Hoseok's shouder.

"He probably has dildos anyway, he's stated on his twitter that he's gay, it's not new news." Yoongi laughed again, the word dildos making Jimin red.

"How in the world did you see him deep throat a banana?!" Hosoek squealed, grasping Yoongi's wrists.

"It's just the way he eats the fruit, he always has breakfast at the gym. Well, did. He eats so much, it's so cute, his chubby little thighs, you can see them in the boxers.." Yoongi sang, his tough exterior breaking as Jimin listened. "I think if he'll be good enough, we can get him some clothes or maybe decorate that room a bit. Your father will definitely pay for anything."

"He's paid for your sex toys for this thing, I doubt that he would deny clothing." Hoseok sighed, rubbing Jimin's back.

The two quit talking and Jimin felt his stomach tie in knots. They were going to bang him, fuck him, a threesome?

God, what did Jimin get himself into?

//AU: heyheyjey.

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