Chapter 28: What Really Happened? Part I

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“This is as far as we can guide you. You have to face it alone”, Mom said. As soon as she told me this, sceneries started to blur and fade.

The first thing I saw was a very huge kingdom. It was white, many towers are pointing towards the sky.

“Extalia”, I blurted out.

I entered the kingdom of Extalia, I am in ghostly form so no one notices my presence and I just pass through each person’s body whenever they walk towards me without noticing. The corridor was furnished; maids are all over the place. I found myself walking inside a room. The bed is very big for one person to fit in, it was three times the size of my Bed in Fairy Tail. Then I saw a family picture, a man and a woman are sitting on a very classy chair with gold and silver combined as decoration. Beside them are two boys standing, they look so much alike. Black hair, dark orbs, the only difference is their clothes. I was taken into surprise when suddenly I heard footstep outside the door. The door opened and two men are walking inside.

“I told you, you don’t stand a chance in our race”, one of the man said.

“Brother, you just got lucky. My horse had a cold today”, the other taunted. So this two are brothers, twins to be precise.

“Really? If I considered today as your victory, then I still have 83 wins”, the other said.

“Oh, come on, you still remember that?”, the other laughed.

“So, tomorrow, you are going to be crowned as King”, the first one said.

“Why should I be the one to be crowned? Everyone knows you excel at everything than I do”, the second one said.

“You have much to learn brother, I will teach them to you, somehow, Father thinks you’re better than me”, the first one said.

“Thank you Zefyr”, told the second.

“Let’s go, Father might be looking for you”, told Zefyr.

Everything seems to revolve suddenly. The next thing I knew, I was standing on a hall. Many people are gathered. At the far end of the hall, the King and Queen sat on their thrones. A bishop or a priest was also standing there. Knights are lined behind the King and Queen. The door opened and two men walked pass the people and made their way towards the King and Queen. The one named Zefyr stands on the left side while the other on the right.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the coronation of our future King. With the power vested in me, King Zerus will pass down his crown to one of his sons”, the Priest started, taking the crown from a red pillow and holding it up for the people to see. “You, who the King has chosen, come forward”

The second son beside Zefyr walked forward and kneeled in front of the Priest. The Priest then lowered the crown while saying: “You, Zeref Alberona van Fullbuster, second son of Zerus Lefiron van Fullbuster, hereby crowned King of Extalia. Long live the King”, the Priest secured the crown on top of Zeref’s head.

“Zeref? Father?”, I exclaimed. “My father, has an older brother?”, I can’t believe this!

More scenery have passed by and then stopped at a forest. I can see it’s very dark. “Zefyr where are you going?”, Zeref asked seeing his older brother walking deeper towards the Dark Forest. They are with another man who looks too noble to be their bodyguard.

“I’m just going to explore further, you should head home first my King”, Zefyr said. “Ah, cousin, why don’t you escort him?”, he said. So that man was their cousin.

“Alright, but stay close, and go back soon. Fostier, go with him”, Father said to Zefyr and his cousin turning around.

“And I just asked him to escort you, nice move brother”, Zefyr said laughing.

“Be careful you two”, said Father.

 I saw Zefyr walks through the woods with his cousin. I followed him. We walked for a long time, and then he stopped. He seems to have heard someone scream.

“What is that?”, asked Zefyr to Fostier.

“I don’t know my liege; probably a wizard being attacked by a creature, I heard there is a beast called a Zaphlon lingering around the Dark Forest. It’s very dangerous Zefyr, let’s go home”, said Fostier.

“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a monster cousin”, Zefyr taunted.

“I am not, I am simply thinking about your safety”, Fostier said.

“I will check it out, wait here”, Zefyr said and dashed to where he heard the voice leaving poor Fostier alone.

“My lord! ZEFYR!”, Fostier tried to stop him but he already disappeared to the woods.

I followed Zefyr as he ran through the forest and then he stopped when he saw something; or someone.

“Are you alright?”, Zefyr ran towards the person he saw. It was a woman, trapped on a cage.

“Please help me”, said the woman looking up to see her saviour. I looked at the woman and what I saw is…

“Mom”, I blurted out gasping.

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