Chapter 16.5: A Fragment of Her Past Part II

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“JUVIA!!”, I heard someone calling me, who is it? Where are you? It’s pitch black, I can’t see a thing.

“JUVIA!!”, shouted again. I ran to look for the one calling me but I can’t see someone there.

“JUVIA!!! Have you come to? Can you hear me? Please respond please!!!”, I can hear the words clearly now, I can feel someone choking me and preventing me to talk. I coughed as hard as I could to take it off. I opened my eyes very weakly. I feel numb and very tired. The first one I saw as soon as I opened my eyes was Rito, he has a very worried expression. Lucy was beside him crying and Ryo is holding her.

“Wha...What happened?”, I asked.

“You fell off the hill, you almost drowned”, Rito said.

“You saved me?”, somehow, saying this feels like a déjàvu.

“It was a nick of time, how did you do it?”, Ryo asked in a very confused expression.

“Did what?”, I asked back.

“You were amazing Big Sister! You showed your powers!”, Lucy said excitedly.

“Wha? What are you talking about? My powers? I showed you what?”, I asked, totally confused of what they are saying. What power did I just showed?

“You controlled the water Juvia, you split the sea into two”, Ryo explained.

“And you surrounded yourself with a ball-like water”, Lucy seconded.

“What?”, is all I can say. The dream I just had must had triggered my powers. One thing is not clear, why does my dream happened the same as my present? I really have a power? I can control water? Really? Somehow I can’t sink it all into my mind. I can’t believe it’s true. So I do have a power. I wonder how many things I would discover about my past.

As I was spacing out, I noticed Rito was not saying anything by then.

“What are you thinking? You just stayed quiet, is there anything wrong?”, I asked when I saw he made a grave expression. As soon as I asked him that he changed his expression right away.

“No, it’s nothing, how did you learn that move Juvia?”, he asked.

“I didn’t, when I was convinced I was going to die, I dreamt of something. It must be a memory from my past”, I said to them. I continued my story to them until I explained everything.

“Hmmm, I wonder if your memories will have more mysteries to reveal”, Ryo said.

“I am thinking the same thing”, I said.

“Enough of that, the rain has stopped, we should make another camp to stay through the night. Tomorrow, we still have to head north towards Extalia”, Rito said.

“Are we getting close?”, I asked.

“Yes, about a week travel at least”, Rito said.

A week more huh? A week more and I can finally go back to where I came from. I hope when we get there, I can finally regain my memories and the mysteries about my past will be revealed.

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