Chapter 19: Confusions and Recommendations

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Sorry for the llllllaaaaaattttteeeee update guys. I am currently having my thesis works right now. I have my drafts on my computer but all the files were misplaced and I've had trouble rearranging it. Here's Chapter 19. Please vote and comment.....Love you guys!



As I heard the door opened, my mind snapped back to reality. I quickly put the necklace inside Rito’s bag and pretended to rummage through Lucy’s. I was trying to act as if nothing had happened but still, the Dark Lord’s words still echoed to my head. “The one you thought you can trust, deceived you. Ask him who he really is.” I don’t know anymore! It can’t be! Rito would never lie to me would he?

“Juvia, what are you doing on the floor?”, Ryo asked when he entered the door. I acted as if I was cleaning things and putting things on Lucy’s bag.

“Oh nothing, since we’re heading off tomorrow, we should start packing now right?”, my voice was all wrong. It sounds like I’m nervous or something but he didn’t noticed. Maybe he thought I was catching my breath from cleaning or something.

“Juvia, you should try and have some rest now. We are going north early in the morning”, Rito said moving forward. I felt scared and nervous as I feel his presence closer. What is happening to me? I hurriedly arranged everything into place and stand.

“Oh, alright, then you two should rest as well. Goodnight.”, I said and scooted to Lucy’s side and covered myself with the blanket.

“Princess is something……”, he trailed off mid-sentence. “Never mind. Goodnight”, he said.

I woke up earlier than I thought, it’s still dark outside. I got up and sit at the edge of the bed. Rito and Ryo were still sleeping and I tried to walk as lightly as possible, careful not to wake them up. I darted towards the kitchen and busied myself rummaging through the fridge trying to think what to cook for them when they wake up. I found some eggs. I cooked breakfast before they woke up. Ryo was the first one to go downstairs.

“So what’s for breakfast?”, he asked.

“Some eggs, which was all I saw in the fridge”, I admitted.

“Can’t argue with that, at least Lucy will be happy to eat those”

He scooted to the table while I prepare the food and put it on the table. He took a bite with the meal I prepared, then looked at me.

“So, what’s bugging you?”, he suddenly asked which took me off guard.

“Excuse me?”

“You’ve been blank lately, what are you thinking?”, he saw through me. He knows something is bothering me. I let a minute passed and he looked at me waiting for an answer. I figured he will not let this off so easily.

“Ummm…..can I ask you something?”, I managed to choke out.

“You’re already asking aren’t you? What is it?”, he asked.

“What if, you trusted someone so deeply, I mean you never doubted that person, and you don’t want that to happen either? Well, what if that person doesn’t deserve your trust at all? I mean, what if you just figured out one day that he’s been deceiving you all this time? What would you do?”, I asked frankly.

“Anyone I know?”, he asked somewhat teasing.

“Can you just answer please? I’m serious here”

“Well, for starters, I already felt that. Remember the past you saw? I trusted the man who killed my family. What you just asked reflected directly to me. I can tell you this; I haven’t forgotten what he did neither to me nor to my family. I cursed that man and pledged on their grave that I will make him pay for what he did”, he said angrily, gripping to the fork he was holding.

“So you won’t forgive him for deceiving you?”, I asked.

“That depends on how he carried the deception. You see, he deceived me just to kill my family. The person you are pertaining to might not actually have the same intention. He must have a reason behind doing so. I can only tell you this; there are two reasons why someone will deceive you. Either he has a bad intention with the one he is deceiving, or….”, he stopped for a minute, looking very serious to my eyes. What is the other one? “or, he has a reason he can’t tell anyone, not even to the one he is deceiving like to protect that person or keep that person away from a very grave danger”, he continued.

Somehow in my mind I felt the relief of the second reason he just told. But still, I can’t take comfort to the second reason. The other one is still an option.  “I wonder what Rito’s reason is. Is one of his intentions to do so is what I think of? Or he is just protecting me? What is it? And why? Rito, why?”, I thought to myself.

“Don’t worry too much Juvia, surely you’ll find out the reason of the person you are talking about when the right time comes so just prepare for it. Come on, Lucy and Rito will go down any minute now, you should stop spacing out and try to be cheerful like always. If you don’t, Lucy will be sad as well”, he assured me. I felt a little warm from his words. He really has an ambience of a father.

“Good morning!!!!”, Lucy shouted happily running down the stairs followed by Rito. She sat beside Ryo and greeted us one by one. Rito sat across them. I scooted beside Rito and we started eating our meals.

“Hmmm eggs. I loved them, Dada you already started. You didn’t even wait for me”, Lucy cooed. She was calling Ryo Dada and for some reason, Ryo is enjoying it.

“Sorry, you should eat up, we have a long journey ahead of us. We should leave early”, Rito told Lucy.

After we ate, we took our belongings and head north.

“Next up, the Village of Kandria”, Ryo said.

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