"Your favorite couple ?" Repeated Noora in surprise and clear amusement on her face before shaking her head, taking a sip of her coffee. "You must confuse us with you and Chris. "

I let a slight annoyed growl at the blonde's teasing before untying my arm from her handing my hand to her expectantly.

The blonde arched an eyebrow as a question mark before quickly rolling her eyes as she noticed my adorable puppy expression.

"Ugh ! You're lucky to have these eyes." She grumbled under her breath as she took another sip of her cup of coffee before handing it to me letting me graciously take the offer with a victorious smile.

We soon discovered our usual group of friends, leaving us to move towards the latter in a comfortable silence.

I finished the rest of coffee with a slight sigh of contentment before resting my eyes on the girls simply to see them staring at me with frightening expressions.

They seemed to wear smiles frozen as if they were about to explode leaving Noora looking between the quartet and myself knowingly.

Finally after the five most awkward and long minutes of my existence, I decided to speak by arcing a confused eyebrow. "Um, what's going on ?"

It would seem that it was all confident that it was necessary as the girls jumped soon in a mixture of overexcited interrogations.

"Oh my god, the guys you totally did it! "

"Are you a couple now ?"

"Please say yes! "

"Can you lend him to me ?" I was pausing on Chris in recognition with raised eyebrows of her question collecting a slight grin of the brunette. "I just said that. "

I left a chuckle at once, sharing a look with Noora before shaking my head on the girl group."Okay, then Eva, no we didn't. And this is unlikely to happen. "

Noora and Sana immediately gave me incredulous looks like Vilde, Chris and Eva frowned slightly in confusion and slight disappointment.

"But ... and the photo then ?" Vilde asked, causing me to give her a compassionate smile at the understanding of her confused little voice.

"It was just Chris joking around." I replied in a half-truth before jumping with a small cry at the sensation of arms suddenly lifting me from the ground. " Let go of me ! Let go of me ! "

I was screaming beyond my lungs in ignorance of my assailant unlike the girls who were laughing at full teeth at the sight of Maksim wore me idiotically around like a rag doll.

In the end, I realized the identity of the brown as he rested me with a broad smile, letting me punch him in the shoulder. "Hey ! Is that how you say hello to your best friend who brought you coffee ?"

"Jerk." I breathed in a boredom despite the persistent smile on my lips before letting a big grin grin at the coffee bargain.

Only it seems that I did not have time to intervene like William and none other than Chris stopped in front of our little group. "Hi !"

"Hi !" I replied back simultaneously with the girls before feeling a new smile slip into my lips as Chris sent me his famous flirting wink.

However, the situation soon turned awkward as the brown made his way to me before handing me a cup of coffee drawing attention to our duo as well as Maksim standing only a few steps away from us.

" For me ?" I asked slightly uncomfortably as I blinked a glance at Maksim still holding the cup in his hand before turning to the girls who now wore grimaces just as uncomfortable as I was taking Chris's mug . "Um, takk. "

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now