The Night before school

Start from the beginning

Marcus- "I have to go. But I'll pick you up tomorrow like we always do."

Sofia- "Ok fine.."

I then went off his lap and we both stood up.

Marcus gave me a kiss and then said,

Marcus- "I love you"

Sofia- "Love you too.."

He then left and I went on my phone for a while and then downstairs.

My mum was just finishing up dinner and I went into the living room where Aiden was.

Sofia- "Hey"

Aiden- "Hi, what's up?"

Sofia- "Nothing, just dreading that we have to go to school tomorrow.."

Aiden- "I think everyone is.."

Sofia- "Yeah probably.."

We then got called in for dinner.

--- After Dinner ---

I just had a shower and I'm fixing up my stuff for school tomorrow 😩.

After I had done that I lied on my bed and went on my computer.

I watched some modern family and then Ava came into my room.

Ava- "Hii"

Sofia- "Hey, what are you doing.."

Ava- "Nothing."

Sofia- "Are you nervous about starting a new school tomorrow??"

Ava- "A little, but I have emma so she can show me around and stuff..."

Sofia- "Yeah she will do that.."

Ava- "yeah but my dad says I need to go to bed now. So goodnight."

Sofia- "Night.."

She then left and i went to Aidens room.

He was on his phone and I said,

Sofia- "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that we will be leaving at 8:15 (am) tomorrow."

Aiden- "Ok."

Sofia- "Anyway goodnight.."

Aiden- "Goodnight.."

I went back into my room and checked the time. It was only 9..

I continued to watch some modern family and then it was already 9:45.

I got up and brushed my teeth and got ready for bed.

My mum said goodnight and I went in my bed and on my phone again.

(For the next part Marcus and Martinus will have like separate snapchat accounts so like their friends can send them pics without the other twin opening it 😂😂)

I then got a snap from Marcus.

I opened it and it was a shirtless selfie of him saying,

'Love you baby 😘, wish we didn't have to go to school tomorrow 😫😫..'

I sent back a selfie of half my face and wrote.

'Love you 2 😘😘😍❤️, I don't think I'll survive tmw. With school and Anika... 😕😕😕'

He then wrote back on the Text thing of snapchat.

M- 'I'll be right by your side, it's gonna be like she's not even there. I promise."

S- 'Awww ☺️ ilysfm❤️'

M- '❤️😘😍'

S- 'I think I'm gonna go to bed now 😘😴'

M- 'Ok, night 😘.'

S- '😘'

I then put my phone on charging and put it on my bedside table.

I went to bed and tried to get Anika out of my mind..

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