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Safia Wilson entered the The Dragon Head Tavern. The Dragon Head was over filled and bright filled with laughter, music, joy and drunken men. Her long brown hooded cape concealed her face and all her skin. She went to the bar. The bartender served her a drink. Unnoticed by everyone but Safia, the bartender held the cup with two fingers.  He nodded to the far end where an enormous amount of laughter was coming from.

Matthew laughed with his gang; it was always fun to relax after a hard day of training. He had been away from home for months now, and was looking forward to sleeping in his own bed for once.

Suddenly a dark shadow crossed his light. He looked up. A cloaked figure was standing in front of the table.

“This is the threat?” The figure- an old man by the sound of it- called to the bartender.

The bartender continued wiping the cup like he was unaware any one had said anything.

“You’re blocking my light, old man,” Matthew said, curtly.

“You are drunk,” he said disapprovingly.

“And you are an old man who is blocking my light,” he said harshly. He moved his hand to his dagger that hung loosely from his belt. “Maybe some punishment would do you some good.”

“No need to get violent,” said the man and he moved away.

Matthew could have sworn he heard amusement in the old man’s voice, but then his mind filled with thoughts of drink, and he drank on.

 An hour or so later a messenger came in. His face was red and sweaty from the hard exertion of the ride. Matthew recognised the courier’s status by the man’s golden shield brooch on the right hand side of his purple tunic. He came to the table where the old man was sitting. The man gestured with his old and wrinkly right hand for him to sit down. The courier looked at the chair doubtfully, and then he sat down- obviously relishing the opportunity. The older man gestured to a drink which, curiously, hadn’t been empty before. The younger man smiled and took a sip.

“Well?” asked the old man, after a short break.

“Oh Yes… Master Drake… The Duke requires your immediate attention.” The courier stuttered. He blushed furiously.

“At ease, young one.” Drake said. The courier laughed out loud at that statement, which confused Matthew. “Rest here for the night. Your message has been noted. I will leave at...” He remembered the courier’s flushed face. “Barkeep!” He called. The bartender came over. Master Drake ordered some food and more drink, and then left the money for his drink and the courier’s. Then he left. Matthew looked at his friends. They had already lost interest. He stared as the man was gone. The courier sat in his chair. Matthew stared into space. The courier had called the man ‘Master’.  People where only called Master or Mistress if they’re magical. As an orphan, he had limited knowledge of his ancestors as a people. He did not know how many people were magical- no one on his planet was. It was almost taboo to mention magic. No one had found it important enough to inform Matthew – or vice versa. Matthew had only been taught the basics for his job- His lord commanded that the orphans be separated into their skills, what they did best so they could serve him better. Matthew didn’t enjoy his job- as some others did- but he didn’t hate it, or refute it. He honoured his Lord Murgon and he was forever loyal to him. Even if it meant he had to be an assassin.

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