I Blow Up Droid Ships in my Free Time.

Start from the beginning

"That's a killer." Wolff marveled at the Republic Frigate.

A clone walked over to them. "General Skywalk- I mean Commander Percy, your ship is ready for flight. It will launch when you're ready." The clone informed him.

"Good. Let's go." Percy said.


Wolff wasn't kidding when he said that the ship was a killer. Percy fired one shot at the little droid ships and they went BOOOOM!

Wolff's voice chided in his ear, "Sir, you are a good shot, but you need to fly to the Relief. It's the Venator Cruiser to the right."

Percy hadn't forgotten about Annabeth, but he wanted to blast these annoying little ships to show them who was boss. He was so angry that they would threaten him and Annabeth. With reluctance, he steered his Frigate to the Relief.

The other droid frigates didn't cease firing as Percy docked underneath the Relief. In fact, they seemed more determined to put a laser through his chest now that he had made it.

"Sir, I think we should split up. I'll take one squad of clones to the hangar, and you can take one to the bridge." Wolff said

Percy nodded. "Sounds like a good idea. We'll meet back here in two hours, OK."

"Roger that, sir." Wolff responded.

Wolff took his squad down the left corridor to the elevator to the hangar, while Percy took his towards the back of the ship to the bridge.

Percy couldn't help but think how easily he had melted into his role as a Supreme Commander. He didn't want to be known as 'Supreme Commander Percy Jackson' just 'Percy'. But those thoughts could wait, beacause Annabeth was in trouble, and he wasn't going to leave her.

"Sir, droids!" A clone whispered behind him. Percy held up a hand to stop them. He quietly drew Riptide and whispered, "Now."

He and the clones jumped out and started blasting at the droids. Percy chopped off their heads like they were made of cheese and kept hacking. Half of the droid squad had been destroyed before they could even raise a finger. They tried to shot, but they were stupid and outnumbered. Not one clone was killed.

A clone bent down at one of the fallen droids. "Sir," he said. "You might want to take a look at this." He put a little device about the size of an IPhone and held it to the droid's head.

The clone spoke again, "It says that this squad was ordered to guard the entrance. But not to keep people from coming in, it was to prevent people from getting out."

Everyone looked at Percy. This was getting worse by the moment. Annabeth was probably injured or- or he just couldn't think about it.

"Let's go. We can't stay in one place for long." Percy said.

A clone nodded in agreement, "You're right, sir. If the bridge is taken, the droids could turn the cruiser against the other Republic ships. Then, even if we do turn the ship back to our side, the other Republic cruisers will destroy it. Plus, Commander Annabeth's life is at stake."

"Good, since we're all on the same page, let's just get in the elevator!", Said Percy.

They all got in the elevator and took it to the command bridge. When they got out of the elevator, they saw a horror scene. All the tech clones were dead, only three were left. They were taking cover behind the power stabilizers. They tried to cover Annabeth, whose was deflecting and blocking with her knife. The droids were pushing her back and would eventually overrun her. Percy and his clones jumped out from the elevator, but the droids knew they were coming. Two droids stepped out from behind and shot four clones in the back. A fifth died also before the two were destroyed. Percy only had seven clones left in his squad.

Still, Percy started killing battle droids from behind. Annabeth had drought her last fight, because a droid got close and whacked her on the head with its blaster. Annabeth crumpled. The other three clones were subdued and killed.

"This ends NOW!!!" Percy thundered. He let out all his rage and fury and destroyed the battle droids. He didn't even give them a fair fight. Not that it mattered. They hurt Annabeth. Now he was going to hurt them.

He could see the clones in the back trying to help, but they weren't needed. Percy just hacked with Riptide, obliterating the enemy.

When the last battle droid fell, Percy ran to Annabeth. She was still conscious.

"Percy." She whispered. "Please, don't ever fight like that again. You sc-" her voice cracked.

"I promise." Percy said. He kissed her on the cheek.

Then the whole ship rumbled. It tilted hard to port.

"We have to get out of here!" Percy said. He turned to the clones only to find eight new bodies on the floor. In their place were four droidekas. Droids with force-fields.

"Oh, no." Percy said. There was no way he could destroy them all. Luckily, a surprise came out of the elevator. That elevator carried so many surprises, Percy thought.

Wolff had decided Percy needed help, so he came back with his squad. They shot all four droidekas in Tue back before they could even shoot. Two clones came to help Percy to his feet. Another two took Annabeth with surprising gentleness.

"Lets go. Sir, are you all right?" Wolff asked.

"I'm... fine." Percy said. He stumbled and the clones helped him up again. Percy wasn't stumbling from being weak, but from what Annabeth had said. 'Percy. Please, don't ever fight like that again.' The words rang in his ears. What had he looked like? He must have scared her to death. " Those thoughts can wait." A voice in Percy's head thought. They had to get off the ship.

Thankfully, they met no resistance on the way back to the ship, but sadly there were no clones either.

"Sir, with all due respect, I think I should drive." Wolff said.

"You're right." Percy said. "Can I still be with Annabeth? In case she wakes up?" Percy asked.

"Of course, sir." Wolff answered and walked to the cockpit. The ship took off and flew back to the Manhattan 4. Percy didn't remember anything about riding back except Annabeth's face.

When they docked on the Manhattan 4, medical clones took Annabeth to the hospital. Percy followed.

It turned out Patrick decided to show up. He seemed fine since thier skirmish with Kronos.

"Hey, Percy. Are you OK?" Patrick asked. He sounded concerned.

"Yeah." Percy replied.

"What happened in the Relief?" Patrick inquired.

Percy told him everything, including what Annabeth had said. That seemed to connect with something inside Patrick.

"You need to be careful, Percy. You can't lose your head in a fight." He said.

Percy nodded. "Yeah, OK."

"No, Percy. You don't get how serious this is. Lord Vader was once a Jedi. He became a Sith Lord when he became to angry and resentful in fights. Remember, just keep your cool." Patrick said.

A medical clone ran up to them. "Sir," he said to Percy. "It's Commander Annabeth. She's not breathing."



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