The Second Battle of Geonosis.

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Leo was boarding his flagship when he saw smoke coming from the tower he was just at. He remembered Percy and Annabeth had stayed behind. The situation was getting graver by the second.

"I need a squad 2B to go back to the tower. We have to commanders possibly under fire." Leo said into the intercom. A dozen clones ran back to the tower firing as they went.

Leo's wristwatch blinked on. Harry's face appeared on the tiny screen.

"Leo, what's going on? Is there anyone still at the tower?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. I sent a squad of clones back to check it out." Leo replied.

Then a deep voice boomed across the port. Leo couldn't catch what it was saying, but he knew who was saying it. Lord Vader.

"Harry, are you on your flagship yet?" Leo asked.

"Yes, I'm speaking from the bridge now." Harry said.

"Ok, I haven't gotten to the bridge yet, I need you to send aerial reinforcements." Leo ordered.

"On it." Harry said.


Leo stepped onto the command bridge. The bridge was exactly like Patrick's. A man in a gray uniform came up to him.

"Commander Leo. I am Admiral Archard. It is a pleasure to meet you. Commander Patrick has sent the battle reports." Admiral Archard said.

"Good, where are they?" Leo asked.

"Right here, sir." Archard said. He walked to a circular table in the center if the room. He pushed a few buttons and an essay of stuff about a bunch of planets came up.

"So, it looks like Patrick needs help on Geonosis." Leo said, "OK, activate hyperdrive to Geonosis. System 1. We're taking this ship and Venator Cruisers 1-5."

"Of course sir. Prepare for Hyperspace!" Archard said.

The Espionage 7 rose off the ground and detracted it's landing gear. Leo noticed Piper and Jason's fleets were doing the same. Once they were out of the atmosphere, the hyperdrive was activated and they flew to Geonosis.

When they arrived, Leo saw that the Venturer was already there. A hologram was activated from the little table and Cody' s face appeared.

"Espionage 7, this is the Venturer. I am Lieutenant Commander Cody. We have the Argo 2 onboard. We were wondering if you wanted it back." Cody said.

"Thank you, I almost forgot." Leo said, "I'll send a squad to retrieve it."

Cody nodded. "Also, Commander Patrick has recommended that you make some adjustments to the ship. A laser shield was one of them."

"I never thought about that." Leo said.

"Commander Patrick said that your warship could be used against the battle droids for a surprise attack. There is no ship in the Republic Fleet like yours. He was quite amazed by it."

Leo couldn't help but feel a little proud, "Tell him thank you, Cody."

Cody nodded and the hologram turned off.

Leo turned to Admiral Archer. "Let's prepare the fleet. Admiral, I have to make a, um, call to someone. You're in charge. Oh, and where is my room?" Leo asked.

The Admiral said, "12th floor, room 145. Commander's quarters."

"OK, thanks." Leo said and ran to the elevator.

When Leo walked into his room, he noticed it was exactly like it had been on the Venturer. He wondered if he had one on every ship. He sat down at his desk and turned on the hologram. Nine other faces appeared on the screen.

"Well, look who decided to join the party." Ron said. Everyone else laughed.

Leo smiled, "Hey, where's Percy and Annabeth?"

"Probably kissing each other again. I saw them from below the tower as I was walking out. That was, well, before that ship took off the top of it." Gregor said.

Leo nodded, "What happened to the clones I sent up there?"

Piper frowned, "There was a dive-bombing droid. It bombed the top of the tower where the clones were. They shot it down, but there were no survivors. Sorry Leo."

"I am truly sorry, sir." A voice said from behind.

"Gahh!" Leo jumped. "Stop doing that!"

Everyone went hysterical with laughter. Then the screen turned off and the intercom turned on.

"Commander Leo, you are needed on the bridge." It said.

Leo sighed. "Alright, alright." He mumbled. Then he pointed at the silver droid. "Put a bell around your neck or something. You keep scaring me."

"Very well, sir. I give you my best wishes in battle!" The droid said.

Leo took the elevator back up to the bridge. When he got there he saw several clones gathered around the hologram with Admiral Archer.

The Admiral turned to Leo, "Commander! Here are your highest ranking officers! This is Commander George," he pointed at a clone with a yellow stripe on his helmet, "this is Lieutenant Michael," a clone with blue armor, "this is Captian Lance, " he pointed to a clone with red armor, "and Lieutenant Ethan." a clone with blue stripes running vertically on his armor. "We were just preparing the battle strategy. Commander Jason and Commander Piper have sent reinforcements. The Venturer was damaged in a starfight, so Lieutenant Commander Cody cannot send reinforcements."

"True. He can't, but I can." A voice said from behind.

Leo turned. Obi-Wan was behind him with a clone in orange armor. "Obi-Wan, it's good to see you again." Admiral Archer said.

"Same here." Obi-Wan said. "I personally cannot fight, but Cody here can."

Leo was puzzled, "Wait, I'm confused. Are you Cody, like Patrick's Second in command Cody? Or are you someone else?"

Cody took off his helmet and smiled. He gave Leo's hand a firm shake. "I'm Commander Cody. Part of Obi-Wan's fleet."

Leo understood, "OK, so is the strategy prepared, Admiral?" Leo asked.

"Yes Commander, we only await your word to launch the attack." Admiral Archer said.

Leo responded, "Then don't wait. Let's launch the attack."



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