Tech Testing

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"Okay, move in." Annabeth said to the rest of the boarding party. They had gotten on the ship without much trouble. The hard part would be getting off.

Their mission was to capture to the commander of the ship and other valuable Separatist strategies. Their group consisted of Anakin Skywalker, Annabeth, Percy, R2-D2 and ten clones.

"Annabeth, take a left at the elevator platform. R2 says it hold take us directly to the command bridge." Anakin said quietly.

"Droids!" A clone yelled. A small patrol squadron of five droids rounded the corner. Percy flung his sword and beheaded all of them.

"Nice work, Percy." Anakin complemented. After that, they boarded an elevator without any obstacles.

They arrived at the command bridge unnoticed. However, there were twenty storm troopers waiting by the communications booth. One of the droids looked up.

"Hey! You aren't droids! You should be on one of those Republic Cruisers! Blast them-" a clone shot the droid on the head before he could finish speaking. Annabeth leap out and pulled out a Celestial bronze sword. She sliced two consecutive storm troopers in half, and moving on to the next ones. Celestial Bronze has the same unwavering properties of a light saber blade.

The other clones moved it, taking positions behind boxes and control panels. Percy impaled another storm trooper before he could shoot Annabeth. Anakin was doing his own thing by deflecting blaster bolts and cutting weapons in half. He sliced at their torsos and removed several limbs. Extremely painful.

Once the last of the Imperials were dead, Annabeth assessed the damage done to their squad. They only lost two clones, and a third one took a shot to the shoulder.

"Where is the commander of this ship?" Percy asked.

"I don't know." Anakin replied.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Annabeth said.

A cold presence washed over them. Suddenly, a towering figure appeared next to the clones. Before anyone could think, he sliced two of them in half.

"Kronos." Annabeth and Percy said in unison.

"You know this hamburger?" Anakin said, pointing his lightsaber at the Titan Lord.

"Unfortunately, we had the honor of meeting him a year or so ago when New York City was almost destroyed." Percy said. And when Annabeth had almost died. Percy thought.

"Foolish mortals." Kronos bellowed. "You will suffer for your stupidity. Now die." He lunged at Anakin with his scythe, which the Jedi easily deflected. And so the fight began.


Jason, Leo, Patrick, Piper, Cody and the holographic versions of Frank, Hazel, Gregor, and Harry were present at the meeting Leo had called. Captain are Percy and Annabeth were busy elsewhere.

"What do you need, Leo?" Hazel asked, yawning.

"Well, I thought you all might want to see some of the stuff I've come up with." Leo said. He motioned for two clones to bring in a table covered in all sorts of gadgets and gizmos. This was going to be a long meeting.

"So," Leo began "First off, I've developed a new type of armor for the clone troopers. Lately, I've noticed that the current armor only protects against minor blaster bolts and other weapons. Conventional Droid blasters usually end up killing the clones." He brought in a clone trooper who was wearing armor with a blueish-white tint to it. The trooper spun around twice, showing how the armor fit together. It looked extremely sturdy.

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