Broken Hyperdrives and Dimensional Portal 4

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They were all sitting in the command room onboard the Venturer. Patrick was introducing everyone, starting 8th him and Luxa. Patrick said it like they had been friends for years, even though he had known him for only a day. When that guy Percy and his group of friends came in, Patrick began. 

"So... this is Harry, Ron, Hermione, Gregor and Luxa." Patrick said. Everyone waved when thier name was called. "And this is Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, and Hazel." Patrick finished after he had rattled of the names. "So, some of you have already encounters with our...robotic friends." Patrick said. He leaned forward in his chair and activated his hologram. It showed him a picture of a battle droid. He continued, "This is what they look like, just as a reference..."

The guy named Jason cut him off. "Sorry, but why are we here? I know you sent your Lieutenant with the hyperdrive and all, but why do you need us?"

Patrick stared at him for a moment. "Wait, I haven't heard from Kyle. What happened to him?"

"He was, like, dissolved into this red mist stuff." Piper said.

Patrick looked down and typed something in his computer. "Red mist. Red mist." He mumbled under his breath. "Vader." He said to no one in particular. "Here's why your all here." He said and leaped back into his chair. He spun around and turned a combination in his watch and the windows were closed and the door locked. A pair of clones stood guard by the door.

"About five years ago, I started research on a Dimensional portal." He said.

"Wait, you were eight?" Gregor said.

Patrick smiled. "Don't judge me by my age." He said. Then he turned a combination on his watch and he started to grow older.

"14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old." An automated voice said." The three kids Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at him in awe.

"See? I can change my appearance however I want, but I prefer to stay as how I was born." He turned a combination and he was now about 15, which looked the most natural for him. That was probably how old he really was. Then he turned back to 13.

Then he pulled up a picture of a guy in black. "This is Sith Lord Vader. He took the Dimensional Portal 3. I have Dimensional Portal 4. Portals 1 and 2 were destroyed in testing. The crisis I face is that now he has the portal, he can travel to your dimensions and take old enemies of yours and throw them against me. Namely Lord Voldemort, (when he said that the three British kids sank in their chairs.) Kronos, Lord of Time, (he saw the kid Percy with terror in his eyes) and the Bane. (Gregor's heart skipped a beat.) I can't defeat them by myself, not without your help. Vader hasn't managed to raise any of your old nemesises yet, but it will happen. Eventually. My troops are holding them back, but they will soon outnumber us." Patrick said.

"To add to that..." Patrick was interrupted by a clone who opened the door.

Patrick whipped around, "How did you get in here!?" Patrick demanded.

"Sorry sir. I had to get the security clearance from Cody. Lord Vader is activating Dimensional Portal 3."

Patrick turned back to everyone seated. "Well, you're about to see what a portal can do. Come on." Patrick said and ran down the hallway.

They got in an elevator and Patrick turned a combination on his watch, which activated his gleaming white armor with a white cape. He walked out and the newcomers followed. Patrick stood in front of a circular table, with a hologram projected. He tapped in a command, and it activated the intercom. "This is Supreme Commander Patrick. Demensional Portal 4 is being activated, please brace yourselves.

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