Chapter 24- Face Off (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"You still don't understand do you? We are all related Lily! You, me, Carter, Bri, and Ben, all of us. Your whore mother slept with Carter's father and had Ben, that's why she was so against you and Carter dating, not because of the abuse! Carter and I have the same father,  when my mom saw that I was falling for him she became partially religious-"

"You're sick!" She laughs and bends down to me while tracing the sharp part of her knife. "Sick? No, psychotic? Maybe. You see, my mom became religious because of the fact that I wanted to date Carter and the fact that you got pregnant with his baby. It was all incest and only I knew about it, I was going to watch you crumble after Carter got arrested but then he got out and ruined everything!"

"I don't understand, what does Daniel have to do with any of this?" She looked at me as if I had three heads but then she started hitting her head and laughing.

"Daniel found out about everything after the rape because Ben couldn't keep his damn mouth shut! Daniel was going to tell you so that you could get an abortion and I didn't want that so I went to his house that day, forced him to write a note and then made him hang himself and watched the life slowly drain out of him. I told my father and he went over there to clean up the mess and help it look even more like a suicide. I was planning to raise that baby on our side but no, Carter had to ruin it. He actually did love you but love is for the weak and the weaker you get the deeper you're digging your own grave."

"Is that what you think Sage? Love is not for the weak, it's for the strong. I loved you, we all did-"

"Ugh! Blah blah blah! Do you know how hard it was for me to pretend to care about you? Why do you think I was pushing Jadon and Ty on you so much?! It was so I could swoop in and take Carter and you wouldn't even notice!" She chuckles evilly while glaring at me, I chuckled.

"It was Carter you wanted? You did all of this just to get Carter?! I didn't want him! You could've had him!"-"

"No no No! You don't get it. He was in love with you and only you. He didn't know that you two are half siblings, he was just a guy who fell for a girl that couldn't handle her alcohol at a party! He never would have fallen for me the way he did for you." She replied angrily, pointing a gun at me in the process, I chuckle. I am not weak, and I refuse to show fear.

"So what are you gonna do? Kill us? As if that is going to solve your problems! Carter is dead because of you and you have to live with that. Killing me and Jadon is not going to help you either, your guilt is going to pile up until it's eating you up and you're gonna have to live with that. I already called the police, they know everything. So go ahead, shoot me, it's not going to solve anything-"

"See that's where you're wrong. If you told the police about everything then they would be here by now, you've been here for about an hour and lover boy has been here for 10 minutes yet here we are. If you really called the cops then they would've been here when you got here-"

"That's enough Sage. I'll take it from here, you're dismissed." A guy with dark hair and blue eyes says in a deep voice. He looks like Carter just older. "You must be Carter's dad." Carter never let me meet his family, now I know why.

"Please, call me Damian." Ugh even his name sounds evil, I'm hating this man even more by the second. "But dad, I want to torture them-"

"No. None of this was part of the plan! We were supposed to get rid of her relationship with Carter which happened. You killed him, you kidnapped them and most importantly you crossed the line!" He shouts back at Sage, she rolls her eyes.

"I didn't want to kill him, I really loved him more than she ever could. She took advantage of his love! I would've never done that. Unlike her I wanted a relationship." Unexpectedly, Damian looked at her like she had 3 heads.

"He was your brother Sage! I'm agreeing with your mother on this one-"

"My mother is a lying whore! She thinks that the Bible is going to save everything but it's not! In fact, you're the man whore. You slept with all of our mothers and had all of us, well except for goodie goodie over here. Carter would have never loved me like he loved her and you will never love me the way you loved Carter and Ben! You broke your own rule by just having me! I hate you. I wanna die!" She puts the knife to her wrist and went to cut herself.

"Sage you don't want to do this. I know your world feels like it's crumbling down but it will get better-"

"No it won't dad! I will never be like them, they were stronger than me, they were tougher than me and I will never live up to them! The love of my life is gone-"

"That's because you killed him execution style." I reply with a chuckle, she screams and puts the knife to my throat. "You really are a pest you know that?! Always in my business, it's been that way since day one. Maybe I am crazy but one thing is for sure the decisions I am going to make today are beyond coming back from. I killed when I was 13 and I'll do it again if I have to."

"Sage stop this madness!" Damian went charging at Sage but in response she stabbed him, judging the remorse on her face I knew she didn't mean to. "Dad? Dad no!" Tears were streaming down his face as he fell to the ground and his breathing became heavier. Once his eyes started closing, her expression turned from sad to angry.

A groan escaped from Jadon and a smile spread across my face. Too bad Sage wasn't as happy as I was.

"Oh look! Lover boy is awake. Let's have some fun."

Ah cliffhangers, one my favorite things to write in books in case you haven't already noticed. Surprise! Sage is alive but she's crazy. Who's scream do you think it was at the end of this chapter? What do you think is going to happen next? Comment below and don't forget to vote! Thanks,


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