Chapter 16- I Have A Plan

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Sage's POV
30 days. It's been 30 days since Lily told Jadon that she loved Carter. I have to admit that I was very disgusted at the thought after what she said he did to her. Watching her and Jadon dance around each other and doing everything possible to avoid each other doesn't help my anger either. Carter is back and there is nothing any of us can do to stop it.

"Ugh, I hate seeing her with him." Jadon growls on the field, I nod and look at them in anger. Tyler, Jadon and I have been plotting against Carter for weeks now and I really hope that what I am planning is going to work.

"There has to be some sort of reason that she's with him. Look at her, she look exhausted, she's bailing as a babysitter, and think about it, she has spent the past two years fearing him. She's had panic attacks just thinking about him coming back, why would she get together with him?"

"I agree with Sage, there has to be a reason. And we are going to find out that reason-"

"And we are going to make sure his ass goes away, and I am going to get her back." Jadon interupts Ty, I smile widely. "You really are in love with her aren't you?" He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair, insinuating that the answer is a yes.

"I do. Wow that feels good to say. I'm in love with her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and we need to get our lily back." His face turned red as he said it and that's how I knew he really meant it. I feel bad for the guy, he had his heart shattered and now it's just like he's in a state of shock.

"You're right. So for the sake of Lily, let's call off the bet for good okay?" Ty says, holding out his hand for Jadon, he nods. "Deal. Now let's go get our girl back, how are we going to do this?" Jadon questions while shaking Ty's hand, I smirk.

"I have an idea-"

"Scott! Get your ass back of the field or you'll be on the bench for the next game!" Coach shouts at Jadon, I chuckle. "You better get out there. I'll explain later, meet me at my house after school." He nods and runs back to the team leaving me and Ty to talk.

"I'm proud of you guys." I said with a smile, he looked at me curiously. "For what?"

"You both stopped the bet and put your new differences aside for the sake of Lily. I'm really proud of you... this may sound weird but can I ask you something?" He nods. "Did you have any feelings for her, or was this whole bet thing a way to get closer to Bri?"

"I did like her, but I am willing to push my feelings aside for Jay and try going out with Bri." He replied with a sigh, I smile. "You're a good guy Ty, one day you will find a girl that is head over heels for you and you will feel exactly the same about her."

"Thanks, I have to go pick up Sara from her friends house, you're welcome to come over if you want, you can tell me the plan." He says with a smirk, I make the motion that my lips are sealed, causing him to roll his eyes. "You will hear the plan when Jadon hears the plan, for now my lips are sealed. See you later Ty." I skipped over to Lily who had a pleading look in her eyes and my heart broke into pieces.

"Hey Lily, wanna sleep over tonight? We can have a movie night like we used to." I ask with an innocent smile, but what got me mad was that she looked at Carter and he just squeezed her hand.

"Um tonight's not a very good night, I already made plans with Bri." I could tell she was lying straight to my face and that made my blood boil. He has to have something against her, there's no way she's doing this of her own will. "Oh alright, another time then. I'll see you Monday." There was nothing I could do and that hurt me so bad. The look in her eyes said 'don't go' but I had to.
Jadon's POV
Ty and I managed to arrive at Sage's house at the same time so we rang the bell only to come face to face with her Mother. "Hi mrs-"

"Can I help you?" She snaps, Ty chuckles, I put on my fake smile. "Yes actually, we are here to talk to Sage, she is tutoring us-"

"She most certainly is not. Sabrina knows not to have any boys over, she's not allowed to date or do anything until she is married." She slammed the door in my face, I grunt angrily.

"She can be over bearing, she's really religious." A voice that I recognize as Sage's says, I turn around and come face to face with her. "Never come to my front door, Ty knows that." I glare at him only to see that he is hysterically laughing.

"Your name is Sabrina?" I question, changing the subject as we start walking to the unknown destination. "Yup. But I like Sage as a nickname, you know just like Lily goes by Lily instead of her name."


"I have two questions. One, where are we going, and two, what is your master plan?" Ty interrupts, she smirks. "Well we are going to my secret place that my brother and I built when we were younger so we can go whenever we needed to get away. I hid all the details there." She points to our destination which is a big tree house. It looks really cool, it had a key and everything.

Once we managed to climb up, I saw posters all over and I was left with so many questions. I looked over at Ty and I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

"Okay let me explain. I am not a stalker I promise, I just did my research. Since our school lets seniors off early for Winter break, I say we go to Beverly Hills. My older brother lives there and he said he would be willing to help with my plan." She chuckles evilly, I have never seen this side of her. I can surprisingly say that I am actually scared.

"So what exactly is the plan?" To questions, she rolls her eyes. "I was getting there. My brother Lucas says that they are constantly having parties up there and we all know that Carter can't resist parties. So we go and basically set him up so Lily will have a reason to break up with him and then they are done. That's plan A. Plan B is a lot more complicated." She replies with a smirk, getting up and moving a board, revealing a bigger plan.

"There are various ways this could go. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the sake of Lily. I can get a sedative or something that will knock him out, then we tie him up and torture him and get him to admit what he is using Lily for. I am willing to flirt with him so I can put something in his drink and then our plan is set." Ty and I look at her in full shock. Sage is a naturally happy person, she's always nice to everyone, she is never even mean which raises the question why does she hate him so much?

"I'm in." Ty said automatically, I glared at him and then back at her. "How do we know this plan is going to work?"

"We don't. But it's worth a shot after all the things this guy has done to her." Am I the only one that doesn't know? "What exactly did he do? Everyone gives me vague details-"

"That's because we know you will want to kill him." She said sadly, I give her a questioning look. "I doubt anything you say will make me want to-"

"He raped her when she was fifteen, got her pregnant and then personally made her have an abortion by beating her. And now I think he is hurting her again and I am really worried. Her mom is probably rolling in her grave right now Jay. I want my Lily back, this robotic version of her is not her. The worst part of it is that I know how she feels and I hate that feeling! He is doing something to her, probably putting horrible ideas in her head and I want revenge." She says angrily, I want to ask what happened to her but I know it's not the time. But Ty saw that I was getting angrier by the minute after hearing the news about Lily.

I will admit, I knew he wasn't a really good guy and I feel like if I was still her friend at that point I could've stopped it from happening. I have loved this girl for as long as I could remember. And hearing what that monster did to her makes my blood boil.

I'm going to kill him.

He is going to pay for what he's done.

"I'm in"

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