"Bring me the Henny," Gabe spoke. I turned to him and shook my head. "You're on meds," I stated. He rolled his eyes, "So are you and don't even pull that immortal shit. You either get it or I'll get it," he groaned in frustration. I grabbed the Henny and headed back to my seat.

Placing the bottle in front us, I dug into the cold leftover pizza. "You think we would be full by now," I muffled through my pizza.

Gabe nodded in agreeing, "It's been almost 3 hours."

Yup. That's right. We've been eating straight for almost 3 hours. It was as if we just came back from the dead. I poured some vodka and rum into my cup which already had some Sprite in it. I drank it down and let out a cough as it burned all the way down my throat.

"Pussy," Gabe mumbled as he drank his drink. I rolled my eyes, "Fuck off," I fired back. I don't exactly what happened but ever since we woke up, we've been a bit in a pissy mode.

He scoffed before shoving a hot wing in his mouth. "You going to training tonight?" he asked. I nodded my head, "You know what's gonna be a shocker for James? Us showing up," I snickered since James ordered us to stay home and rest.

"I could drink to that," Gabe laughed as he held up his cup. I held up my cup and clinked it with his before drinking. We finished our food and was finally satisfied. We took our medication and drank out our bottles.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" a voice shouted behind us causing me to jump in my seat. I turned to see James angrily looking at Gabe and I. A few guys came running into the kitchen with worried faces.

"Please tell me you guys didn't drink!" James hissed. Gabe rolled his eyes, "Nah, it just fucking evaporated. What the fuck you think dipshit," he snickered.

James walked up to him and Gabe stood up from his seat. "Look you just came out of a 4 day coma. It doesn't mean I will not kick your ass," James hissed. A smirk twitched up on Gabe's lips, "Try me cunt," he challenged stepping up to James.

I got up and stood between both of them. "No one is fighting no one. Chill out both of you," I ordered as I placed my hand on both of their chests to keep them apart. "Don't touch me," Gabe growled as he pushed my hand of his chest roughly.

"Don't push me off like that," I gritted through my teeth as I turned my body to face him. Gabe shook his head and laughed, "Sit down before you get hurt."

"I think you should sit down," I fired back. His laugh died down and his face turned serious. "Get out my face," Gabe demanded as he pushed me back a bit.

"Don't fucking push me!" I shouted as I pushed him back. He then pushed me back harder this time, "Then get out my face," he shouted back.

I went to push him but a hand pulled me back. "Both of you stop it. What the hell has happened between you two?" Ethan was now in the room.

I slipped out of his grip and launched onto Gabe causing him to fall on his back. "Don't ever fucking push me again!" I scream as I punched him in the face.

He took the first punch but blocked the second one. Within a swift move, he kneed me in the stomach and pushed me off. He was now on top of me. "Then don't fucking touch me," he growled as he punch me square in the face.

"Get the fuck off me," I shouted in anger as I kicked him off me. I launched myself back onto him and started to punch him again but this time on his shoulder. Before I could land another punch, a hand pulled me off him. Gabe quickly got up to his feet getting ready to launch at me but 3 of the guys held him back.

"Would you like to tell me what's going on?" a familiar voice spoke. He released me and I turned to see him in sweats and a t-shirt.

Lucifer's eyes glared at me and trailed down my body and stopped on my stomach. I looked down to see fresh blood had soaked the bandages. "Do you want to tell me why I can't fucking self heal or why you didn't come when I called you?" I shouted in anger.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora