Waking up. Everyone

Start from the beginning

Sofia- "So what are we doing for breakfast?" 

Marcus- "We'll I was thinking we could go to that little cafe not far from school.." 

Sofia- "Ok, but are we going to bring all this stuff to the cafe??" 

Marcus- "No, we're gonna bring it to my house first, what time is it?"

Sofia- "9:30"

Marcus- "Cool, So Martinus must have gone home late last night and then we can go and jump on his bed to wake him up. Then maybe invite him to have breakfast with us.." 

Sofia- "YESS! But we have to go soon or he'll wake up before we get there.." 

Marcus agrees and then we get all the things packed up and run back to his house so we're not late.

Once we arrive we go into his house and put all our things by the door. 

We ran up to his room and stopped by the door. Marcus peaked in to see if he was still asleep and he was.

We went into his room and closed the door behind us. 

Marcus counted down from 3 and we then jumped onto his bed. 

He immediately sat up and me and Marcus burst out laughing. Martinus threw a pillow at both of us but that didn't make us stop laughing. 

After we stopped laughing, Marcus then said. 

Marcus- "Ok, so we were wondering if you wanted  to go have breakfast with us in the cafe.." 

Martinus- "Ok, I'll get ready." 

Me and Marcus then left his room and went into Marcus's room. He was about to get changed when I said, 

Sofia- "I'm going to quickly go home and change.." 

Marcus- "Ok.." 

I then went to my house and quickly got changed into a top that says 'Sry for being so cool' and a pair of shorts. 

I ran back downstairs and put on my adidas super stars and went back to Marcus and Martinus' house. 

I walked into their house and they were coming down the stairs. 

Marcus- "Sof, do you know where my phone is?" 

Sofia- "Yup, its here" 

I then went into the bag and took out his phone. I gave it to him and then we headed to the cafe. 

Martinus- "So how was last night? Did anyone get thrown into the water?" 

Sofia- "Last night was good, wait how did you know we were by the water." 

Martinus- "Marcus always says that he wants to go to this place in the forrest where your near a cliff, so I just thought you guys went there.." 

Sofia- "Ok, well no one got into the water but Marcus was very close to putting me in.." 

We then arrived at the cafe and sat down at a table. We all ordered and then just chatted. 

Marcus- "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow.." 

Martinus+Sofia- "Me neither"

Martinus- "Oh no guys, I just remembered we're gonna have to live with Tracy again 😖" 

Sofia- "NOOO! I forgot about her. It was so nice to not have her for the whole summer." 

Tracy is the 'mean' girl in school, she always try to hook up with everyone and she has her little 'army of three' with Emily and Olivia. The thing is they think their the hottest in school, but honestly their not. Like boys like them because their cute but there is much cuter. 

Just before we left school for the summer, she has been trying to hook up with Marcus and Martinus. But the thing is she doesn't bother to tell the difference between them too. 

Honestly everyone thinks her main goal is to hook up with everyone in the school. Everyone that me, Mac and Tinus hang out with hate her, so she only has boys that are really bad and annoying drooling over her. 😂

Authors Note: 

Hey guys, 

Hope your still enjoying my book. Just wanted to see how you all were. 

Anyway please vote and comment what you think.

Also to all my Swedish readers, Glad Midsommar. Hope you all had a nice time with your family or however you celebrate it!  (btw I know its late, but I had this chapter done and didn't know when to post it).


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