"Yea. Love you," he smiled before planting a kiss on my lips. "Love you too," I chirped. Within a blink, he disappeared. I let out a sigh and crashed on my bed. Today was an alright day. Lucifer opened up a lot more than I expected and I've finally come to peace with what I really am.

With that, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.


I heard a door slammed and my eyes shot open. I sat up and looked around my room to see it wasn't my door. My senses became stronger and I heard footsteps running around. It was coming from downstairs.

"Sky..lar," James spoke as he entered my room. My eyebrow rose, "What are you doing here? You don't come until tomorrow," I stated in confusion.

"No time to explain. Just get ready and gear up. I'll ex-" he was cut off by his phone. He dug inside his pocket and fetched out his phone. I got up and walked to my closet to get dress.

"Yes sir," I heard James speaking on the phone.

I took off my shirt and pants and got into some combat pants. I slipped into a white shirt and unlocked the weapons room. I walked in and took a combat knife and pistol. I grabbed some throwing knifes and shoved them in my side pockets. I grabbed my heavy combat jacket and slipped it on.

I walked out the closet and looked to see James was no longer in my phone. I ran over to the dresser to grab my phone and flashed downstairs. I saw all the guys were here and running around all armed.

"Listen up, we got a code red. I linked all the address to the gps. Let's get moving," James shouted. Everyone scattered out the house. Some took motorcycles and others took Jeeps. I decided to go with the Jeep. I hopped in the Jeep and James hopped in the passenger seat while Ethan and Gabe took the back.

I drove out the garage and headed to the location on the gps. "Okay, after we talked to you in the morning, we had a urgent call in. There's some guys going around planning to blow up a warehouse. The warehouse belongs to some other gang who uses it for storing opium. There is about 8 bombs planted around the warehouse. You're going to be looking for the bombs with my team. Ethan's team will be covering us from the roof. Gabe's team will be ground team. When you do find the bomb, tell everyone the time. There will be a time on the bomb before it explodes," he explained.

"Got it," I replied as I pulled up to the warehouse. "Here, don't forget you're earpiece," Gabe spoke from the back as he passed me an earpiece.

I took the earpiece from him and put it on. We got out the car and armed up with some more guns. "Judging by the time of the bomb explosion, everyone must get back in 1 minutes before it explodes. Watch your backs and be safe now let's go," James quickly spoke. We scattered and quietly ran into the wear house.

James group, which I was in ran far right. We turned the corner only to be great by a bunch of armed guys. They started firing and we fired back. Within seconds, they all dropped. This was going to be easier than I thought.


A few moments later, we had found 6 bombs in total. We had 1 and a half minute to find the next two bombs. "Anyone found anything?" James voice came through the earpiece.

"I found one. Cody defused it. You got 2 minute to find the other one," Randy spoke into the earpiece.

"You guys need to get out. I'll try to find the other one," I stated.

James shook his head as he walked in front of me. "Not happening. I'm not -"

"It's an order. I love and care about you all and besides, I cant really die. Demon, remember?" I reminded him.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now