56. Begin again

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After Their cheeky dip in the lake yesterday was the last spur of the moment adrenaline rush both Victoria and Francis were going to have for the next few months. As , today marked the start of the crown wars. The start of the battle for the country crown. Francis and Victoria had sat in back to back meetings signing paper work , signing off forms and checking the house statistics. For the safety of Johnathan and piece of mind of Victoria and Francis they had decided to have both Miss Florence and Miss Eveline stay with Johnathan at any one time. They also ordered guards to keep watch outside his nursery twenty four seven also. That was Victoria's addition to the planning as the thoughts of the Valois men or any other families' men touching her little boy and kidnapping him or worse killing him made her feel sick. After what they did to her she knew they would stop at nothing to destroy the Demure households name and popularity with the people.

Once all the paper work was completed all they could do was go about their day as normal. Until an attack happened as you can't sit around waiting it makes you go insane. So Victoria went to the ballroom and sat on the piano chair touching each of the piano keys making an array of notes bounce across the room. Standing up she went to the cabinet and collect a couple of sheets of music she used to play all of the time before she was sorted into the game. Placing the sheets on the stand as she sat down. She read each one carefully playing each note slowly to get the hang of it. After a few tries she sped up to the normal speed of the piece and began to play it properly without a note out of place. The notes moving around the room covering every space with a resonating symphony. Suddenly a kiss was placed on her neck and in her shock she played the wrong note making her sigh.

" I have missed you playing my dear, you play so well." Francis said and Victoria smiled

" I have missed it too." Victoria mumbles as she continues to play the notes.

Francis sits next to her and changes the piano sheets making her giggle slightly but continue to play.

" How about we play something that involves two people again." Francis says and Victoria shakes her head.

" why are you shaking your head at me dear." Francis asks smirking at her.

" You haven't played the piano since you were a little boy and have picked one of the hardest duo piece we own." Victoria explains laughing and Francis sighs.

" I say you are challenging me dear and so I accept your challenge. Let's play." Francis states and he begins to play slowly followed by Victoria.

As , Victoria speeds up the piece to its correct tempo Francis flails behind. Pressing a wrong note in the wrong key a couple of times till it reaches the height of the piece. Which is where he really struggled and started playing the whole melody in the wrong key. At that point Victoria thought it was best to slow down the piece to a complete stop. Turning and staring at him raising an eyebrow as if to say 'well Francis I told you so'. He laughed nervous and moved about the note sheets changing them to a much simpler duo piece fit for an intermediate player. As , they begin the piece a hand touches Victoria's back.

" I hate to disturb you both. But we have heard through some of the other servants that the people surrounding House a Demure are being attacked. Houses are going up in flames , cannon fire and soldiers taking whatever money they have." Miss Florence says and Both Victoria and Francis turn completely to face her.

" We need to send men there now, I want all the people to be brought within the walls of House Demure. When the area is secure and safe. We don't need whoever is attacking our people to follow our army right into our land." Victoria says

" I will tell the leader to send half the men their now. This needs to be dealt with immediately." Francis says standing up from the stool and heading out the room.

" Wait Francis. Tell the soldiers to priorities families with young children and the elderly. They are the most vulnerable." Victoria shouts and he nods as he leaves the room.

" Miss Florence will you round up the servants to blankets , food supplies , clothing , toys and whatever else needs to fill the two guest houses on the south side of the grounds." Victoria orders and Miss Florence nods.

"These people need to feel comfortable and safe once they get here after their whole lives are being taken from them." Victoria says and Miss Florence nods.

" It shall all be ready in an hour."Miss Florence states and curtseyed leaving the room.

The CrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora