39. Help the poor

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She sat listening to the people of the court moaning on and on about how wrong it was for Victoria to sell the Royal belongings to the poor. How she shouldn't have been talking to the poor without an escort or guard. How she had broken protocol even having it so openly in the house gardens. But it was slowly getting on her nerves. Grating on her. Making her want to scream at them. She was the Queen after all. Francis unfortunately was not at the meeting as he was looking after Johnathan. Suddenly she stood up from her chair and everyone stood up two seconds later.

" What is wrong your majesty?" One of the men asked

" You are all wrong." Victoria states in a steady tone as they look confused.

"These people need our help. We have all of this stuff we don't need and these poor people. Which I once was struggle and struggle hard." Victoria says her voice catching.

"There is a class divide for a reason your majesty those who should be royals make it in this games those who don't suffer." One of the court say and she turns her attention to them.

" They deserve to at least live comfortably. Therefore I want to help them out. I want to increase their wages and living standards. I want them to live without worrying about money. So they don't have to choose between a blanket for their child and food for the week. They need it and so it shall be done." Victoria explains as all the court members look between each other

" it isn't that simple your highness." Another court member said

" Make it happen move around the budgets, these people deserve better. So I shall be visiting them later on today." Victoria adds turning to the door.

" we will send for some guards to go with you and a carriage." The court member said

" No I shall go alone." Victoria states and leaves the room ending the meeting.

Victoria went straight to her room where her clothing lay and picked out her riding dress and cloak. Changing into them she began to pull her hair back but Miss Florence stopped her taking her hair in her hands braiding into into a low bun. Victoria put the cloak hood on properly to disguise her face slightly and headed to the door to go down to the stables but Miss Florence stopped her.

" You are very brave." She whispered and Victoria smiled

" They deserve a better life and so I want to help my people properly and that means to be along side them." Victoria says

" You are the best Royal. I have ever seen be safe my dear." Miss Florence said letting her leave the room.

Victoria headed to the stables to find her favourite riding horse to take into town. Since the carriage would be too big of a fan fare. Opening the stallions paddock she took his reins in her hand and placed them upon him then placed the saddle. Taking one of the reins in her hand she lead him out of the paddock and stables to the edge of the forest. Climbing on top of him. She took a deep breath and began to ride. In that moment she felt like a young girl again. The little girl who could only ever dream of becoming Queen one day of one of the house. Could only dream of being a Royal at all. Her father would take her to their stables every weekend to teach her to ride. At first she was very wary of the horse scared it was going to throw her off. But as time went on her father loosened his grip on the reigns allowing her to take more and more control of the horse. Soon she was galloping around the forests without a care in the world. Taking him out on her own spending hours just riding. That feeling of carelessness flowing back. Making her forget about the crown even if it was for a short period of time into town. Reaching the town square she got down from the horse and tied him up at a post. Making sure it was perfect. People scattered around coughing and sneezing in the dirty soot covered conditions. What once was a quaint little village that thrived. Now looked like a disease ridden nightmare. Kids sat crying in the streets as others scrounged around begging for a penny or gold piece. She found a little kid selling matches or at least trying to but no one was listening. Walking up to her she bent down to her level and smiled.

" I would like to buy all of your matches." Victoria said and the Little girl could believe her eyes as she handed her over seven gold pieces.

" Thank you misses I am very grateful. My mother will be so happy." The little girl said handing her the matches.

"Where is she I don't mind meeting her." Victoria says standing up as the little girl takes her hand leading her down the street to her home.
Taking her indoors. The little girl told her to wait as she fetched her mother from the back room.

" Thank you so much. This means everything to me. I can finally buy some decent clothing and food for us.what is your name?" The woman asked taking one of Victoria's hands in hers

" I am Victoria." Victoria says taking her hood down making the woman gaps as she recognised her.

" Your Queen Victoria. queen of house demure.I can't accept this." The woman said handing the gold prices back.

" As your Queen you need them more then me. I am here because I want to help you all. The summer fair made me realise how ungrateful these royals that are born into the legacy are. I want to change it and I am going to do whatever it takes." Victoria said as the woman began to cry.

" Is this a miracle." The woman cried and Victoria smiled sweetly and hugged the woman.

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