22. Queen of the ball

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Victoria picked up a drink from one of the many server's plates and took a sip. Smiling sweetly as the young boy bowed his head slightly to her.

"Miss Teller may I have this dance?" Gulliver asked and she nodded her head placing the drink back down on the plate as the server took it away.

She lifted her hand for him to take it and he guided her to the middle of the room. Lord Francis still sat in his office signing of the last few papers of the evening making sure to take absolute care with each one he signed to not smudge the ink. Victoria took his other hand in hers as the orchestra began to play again. Which just so happened to be her favourite arrangement at the moment.

"how did they know this was my favourite?" Victoria mumbled and Gulliver smirked slightly

"Gulliver did you do this?" Victoria says and Gulliver spun her around

" anything for the Queen of the ball." Gulliver says as they began to waltz

People watched as they gracefully floated around the ballroom floor. The rhinestones on her necklace sparkling in different ways as the candle light caught each and every one of them. Gulliver led of course and she followed in the most graceful way. As if the two of them had danced for years together. They seemed to flow together.

" I could dance with you all night." Victoria says and Gulliver cleared his throat.

" soon you will have a king to dance with Miss Teller." Victoria says

" why does everyone assume I will be Queen. Francis has not formally asked to court me. So I am an unspoken for woman Gulliver. I can dance with whom ever I want." Victoria whispers slightly so it does not draw attention to them.

" If you say so Miss Teller." Gulliver says and releases his hands from hers creating more space between them.

"Gulliver. What is the matter with you?" Victoria asks.

" I am creating distance Miss Teller. People don't look too kindly on ladies who spend time with men that aren't their own." Gulliver says and goes to bow at Victoria as a thank you for the dance.

" Gulliver." Victoria warns him and curtseyed turning away from Gulliver quickly to try and find Francis.

If it was what her life was to entail. Being the possession of the King. To be his heir bearer. To not hold a hand of another man for a second longer. To speak alone with another man for a second longer. Was this the life that Victoria wanted to join just to be Queen.

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