50. Meeting T.H

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The picnic was a total success. Apart from the fact Francis ended up with half mushed banana in his hair from Johnathan. Which made Victoria laugh but also cringe at the texture and smell that lingered from him. Victoria put Johnathan to bed and Francis headed to the office for an emergency crown war meeting. Since it was getting close to fight for the crown of the whole game.

Victoria put the hood of her riding coat over her head to try and hide her face. The sun had just begun to set so she prayed it would help disguise her. Heading out the back door and past the stables trying to find the most secluded route. When she reached the duck pond she sat on the bench she had sat on a few hours earlier with her little boy. Suddenly a figure appeared and sat next to her.

" Are you t.h?" Victoria asked her voice barely above a whisper

" Thomas Hawthorne yes." The figure said and Victoria's breath caught in her throat.

" Were you the.." Victoria starts and he cuts her off

" Yes .. Yes I am. I am very sorry. House Valois knew of my desire for you and paid me a lot of money to seduce and drug you. They wanted me to do more then kiss you but with the amount of alcohol you drunk and the drugs on an empty stomach you blackout before I could. They wanted Francis to catch me doing stuff to you to break you up." He starts and Victoria placed her hand on his leg to stop him.

She began to sob as she began to get grainy visions of that night as he told her.

"I was so glad you blacked out shortly after I kissed you. I ran away suddenly, because I didn't want to be found. I couldn't have you hate me for it. I wasn't reading in the alcove. It was me. I had to lie or house Valois was going to come and kill Johnathan and then Francis and frame me for it. They want to break house demure and I let them work their way into it because I am a sucker for a good price and corruption in this game. I am sorry."He says and takes her hand in his as she continues to sob wiling her eyes with her free hand.

" Gulliver, it's you then isn't it. Your Thomas Hawthorne." Victoria said in a cracked and small voice.

" Yes it is and I am terribly sorry. If I could rewind time I would never have agreed to helping house Valois to break you two up. They know your my weakness and how much I hate seeing you with him and that baby not being mine. But now we are back to how our relationship was before it all and start after I was scared I would lose it all again. Scared I would lose you. Scared I would never see you happy with Francis and Johnathan ever again. I start going to therapy. I could come earlier because that is where I was. To stop this anger I felt towards you and him and the baby I desperately wanted to be mine. I am getting better I promise." Gulliver says and squeezes her hand reassuringly

" Please say something." Gulliver says and Victoria takes a deep breath.

" I don't hate you ... I can't. House Valois played into your desire and your weakness. It's what they do. It's what this game is about. You did what was best to protect me and I thank you. At least your common sense kicked in afterwards. Your secret is safe with me as long as it protects me and my family from the Valois." Victoria says and hugs him as she begins to hear him sob himself.

" Thank you your majesty it means a lot to me. I promise to keep you safe especially with the crown wars so close." Gulliver sobs

They both stand up from the bench and say their goodbyes.

" this conversation never happened. As far as we both know T.H is someone in the court we won't ever know about. The end." Gulliver says and Victoria nods

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