12. It Starts Now

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Lord Francis wiped the bead of sweat from his brow as he looked upon the maps of the country. Taking a red pen to every possible entrance possible opposition could enter from. He ordered more guards to be on post each night as he watch House Elise be attacked with cannons and gunfire in the distance and panicked. He refused his food most nights in case someone has poisoned it. He refused any visitors from outside the Houses grounds. Victoria tried to help him but he shooed her away exclaiming.

" Miss Teller this is fit for a King. Not a servant now stop distracting me." Victoria stared at him and quickly turned away. She was about to run away but decided against it.

"Glad to see the man I knew turning into the man who ended up dead only a few short weeks ago." Victoria states and touches the door handle

" I would never become him. It's just the little food and no sleep Miss Teller, the crown wars is very stressful on a Royal. No wonder a woman never wins." Lord Francis says absentmindedly and Victoria took offence.

" You say you never will but listen to yourself. The Lord Francis I knew would have cried to high heavens about House Demure needing a strong Queen to reign alongside the King. But now you think not because a woman is weak." Victoria shouts and steps back into the room until Francis cuts her off

" I never uttered those words Miss Teller.You just thought that. Now run back to your job. People have to actually try and save this house." Lord Francis booms over Victoria using his authority as King against her.

" I pity you Francis, I pity the man you have become." Victoria states and slams the door on her way out

Running as quick as she could back to the serving quarters. Miss Florence was first to greet her with a quick pat on the shoulder handing her a pile of Mended dresses. Victoria nodded and handed the dresses to Miss Sarah who sent them to the empty ladies room where they would stay till Lord Francis picked a woman. But Victoria worried the dresses would never be worn and just collect dust after what she heard King Francis utter just moments ago. A Queen can do what a King can do but two times better. She can be the mother of her house and the mother to the heirs. A King can only do one. That's why House Demure needed a Queen to balance the ever changing Lord Francis. The house itself seemed to corrupt all the male heirs even the most kind and loving. That all needed to change if House Demure was to ever win the country crown.

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