16. You should go *warnings*

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Her sobs echoed the room as it played over and over in her head. Reluctantly she had to pull herself from the shower as the hot water had run out. Putting on her large dressing gown she pulled it as tightly as she could to protect her body. The knocks made her jump slightly during her cries making it replay again in her head. The way he touched her. The way he did it all without a care. The way his hands felt parts of her no man was ever meant to go that way. There was a moment of silence until the door slung open and King Francis stormed in at the sight of Victoria's lifeless body curled up in the corner of the room. Her hair stuck to her face from the water her skin as pale as snow with red blotches all over where she had burnt herself with the hot water.

He rushed to her side and touched her knee making her jump in shock and grab the closet thing to her. Which was a hair brush.

"Don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me." Victoria cried without looking up

"Its me Francis. I won't hurt you." He said trying to take the brush from her but she swatted his hand way. Making her look up through her hair slightly.

"What happened Victoria?" Francis asked softly his voice just above a whisper. Making her body convulse curling further into a ball.

" I was screaming for help but you didn't save me. You let them do this to me." She cried and threw the hair brush at him. Getting up from the floor and grabbing a pair of scissors from the dressing table in the process.

"Do what Victoria?" King Francis asked standing behind her as she looked in the mirror.

"You let them touch me. You let them put their dirty hands on me. You did this." Victoria shouted in a level tone and in an instant she turned to face him grabbing him by the lapel of his jacket pulling him towards her. The hand with the scissors dangerously close to his head.

" I didn't Victoria. They did it. I would have save you if I had of know. Please put the scissors down your scaring me." King Francis cried his eyes clouding with tears

"You did this. You shall pay. I lost something. Now so should you." Victoria whispers in his ear and places the scissors against his skull making him sob lightly.

"Victoria. Please. I am sorry. Please. Stop. Please." King Francis cries and Victoria freezes slightly at the cry of stop dropping the scissors on the floor she turned back to the mirror letting go of Francis in the process.

"You should go." Victoria states in a calm voice

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