48. Letters to you

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In between the investigation and Victoria still being under close supervision she had somehow completely forgotten her baby boys first birthday. Thankfully Miss Florence and Miss Avery were on the ball and managed to organise a small gathering and find some presents for him. Victoria was utterly grateful and embarrassed that such a momentous occasion in her son's life had slipped her mind. But Miss Florence assured her that it was fine after everything that's going on.

Francis walked into Johnathan's nursery with a pile of papers in hand. Victoria picked up Johnathan from his crib. Bouncing him up,and down to calm his cries. As Francis gave her the papers.

" Here is list of court members but they all used initials , a few even used the same so Gulliver found it impossible to work out the names and a letter came for you." Francis says handing her the letter and she smiled as they switched what they were holding. Francis took Johnathan and Victoria took the letter.

" Let's get you clean birthday boy ready for your morning date at the duck pond with mummy before your party." Francis said kissing his sleepy little head. Leaving the room so Victoria could read the letter.

My dearest Queen ,
I know you are thinking about me and I about you. Sorry for the trouble I have caused but I had to find a way to get to you without being found. I also know that what I done was wrong but I couldn't take staying away any longer.
That night was something I had been dreaming about since I met you. I know I should admit to what I did but you would never forgive me again. I finally held you close in my arms and I don't want to taint it. If only circumstances were different I would step up in a heart beat.

I love you my dear. Your mysterious dancer. T.H

Victoria traced her hand over each word of the letter. Re reading it over and over again. T.H. Recognising the initials but she couldn't Remember where. It was probably a court members secret name but who a few used the initials T.H. Unfolding the court guest list she realised it was a handwritten guest list. Looking for the initials T.H she stumbled across three. Placing it next to the letter on stood out. Identical to the handwriting of the guest list. Next to the initials was an address. Writing it down Victoria was going to send him a letter back. Quickly unfolding a clean piece of paper from the desk in Johnathan's nursery starting a letter.


I would like to meet you in person. By the duck pond tonight once my son has gone to bed. If you feel more comfortable wear the outfit you wore to the masquerade ball. I beg. I just want to understand why now. Since I have been in a happy marriage for over a year now. I just need to know if your trying to harm us before the crown wars or if it is just a sick joke to make me paranoid. So please the duck pond at half nine tonight I will be there. If you come I won't tell a soul not even the investigator.

Your Queen.

Folding the paper placing it in an envelope writing the address on it with a quick send note. Just as Francis came back with a squeaky clean birthday boy. Handing him to Victoria she smiled.

" what was the letter ?" Francis asked

" Just a relative sending their birthday wishes to Johnathan and how they wish they could come to the birthday but they are busy. So I am sending a thank you note back , because what queen would I be if I ignored them." Victoria said and Francis nods.

" Very well my dear, now our not so little boy is clean and ready for his date at the duck pond. While I have a few crown meetings to attend to before the party this afternoon." Francis says kissing both Victoria and Johnathan on the forehead.

" Enjoy and we will see you later." Victoria says bouncing Johnathan up and down making him giggle and scream grabbing her hair making her scrunch up her face slightly.

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