55. Prepare to win

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Johnathan's teeth had stopped hurting him today and thankfully Victoria hadn't been told about Gulliver's body being found on the Valois grounds. Which made her relax slightly as he hadn't done anything stupid yet. However , the whole house was on edge with the prospect of the crown wars beginning again in only a few days. All that was on everyone's minds was the thought of the Valois coming to attack them again. Even though they were the reigning family of the country and had been for decades they felt threatened by the ever going support for the Demure household. Knowing that it was the basis of a strong army to overthrow them. They had also attacked the Demure household on many different occasions recently including the most recent at the masquerade ball with the help of Gulliver.

Sitting on her rocking chair in Johnathan's nursery she and Francis watched him as if it would be the last time. When he looked up at both of them they both smiled back making him crack a smile himself and giggle slightly before turning back to his car. Victoria got up from her seat and sat down next to Johnathan and Francis joined them.

"Darling , I know you are too young to really understand what is going on but I want you to know that both mummy and daddy love you soo much. Whatever happens we will always love you ok." Victoria says and kisses his forehead and so does Francis and they both head out of the room leaving Miss Florence with him to watch over him.

Heading to the office they both sighed. Pulling out large pieces of paper they began to check over all of the supplies and army statistics which all seemed excellent.

"I reckon we have a shot of taking the crown." Victoria states and Francis nods.

"If the Valois army come storming here again. We have a good chance of winning looking at the statistics they are at the highest we have ever had in my lifetime at the court." Francis says and puts the paper back in the drawer

" I hope we are right and no one gets hurt." Victoria states and Francis gives Victoria a quick kiss and moved a loose hair our of her face.

" We will all make it through the crown wars together. There is no doubt about that. Don't worry your beautiful little head." Francis says and Victoria sighs taking his hand off of her face and turns away from him completely.

" I can't help it. That day still haunts me. The way he touched me. No matter how much I try it still sticks with me especially round the time of the crown wars in my mind." Victoria says and bits her lip as her eyes start to tear up.

" I promised you it won't happen again then and i will tell you again. You are safe and no one will touch you like that ever again." Francis says and wraps his arms around her waist pulling her close to him.

After their special moment together Victoria wanted to go for one last horse ride before the start of the crown wars. Since the house will be on lock down during this time. Which Francis agreed to. They both quickly got changed into their riding clothes. Victoria wore a dark red riding dress with gold detailing and Francis wore a black riding jacket with gold piping. Heading down to the stables Victoria gave her horse a quick brush and placed on his reigns. Climbing on top of him both Francis and Victoria slowly galloped the horse out of the paddock and into the forest area. Racing each other to the lake at the other end of the house grounds. Victoria won of course even though Francis says he let her win she knew it was because she was clearly the better rider. Tying up the horses reigns to the stable area by the lake. Victoria ran down to the foot of it. Sitting down to take off her shoes. Shortly followed by Francis sitting next to her.

" what are you doing?" Francis asked laughing

" I want to dip my feet in the lake , but if I came back with wet shoes Miss Florence would kill me." Victoria explains and Francis laughs.

" Dear it's very well taking off your shoes but if you aren't careful the bottom of your dress will get wet." Francis says while laughing and Victoria smirks at him.

" I will just have to take it off and go in , in my underdress then." Victoria states beginning to unbutton her riding jacket placing it on the ground proceeding to take off her dress leaving herself in her underdress making Francis blush and look away.

It was a rare occurrence to see Victoria in a dress that barely grazed her knee. He was used to seeing her in full length full in shape ball gowns. So this was a right treat for him. Running into the water she screamed and laughed to herself as she felt free in the cold lake water.

" Come join me Francis. It's the last time for a while that we can be as free and reckless as this." Victoria shouts in between giggles and Francis takes off his jacket and places it next to hers running into the lake.

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