4. Game of domination not love

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Placing her hand on the door to the upstairs she slightly opened it revealing a crack of light fall into the downstairs. The noise of laughter shifted its way down the stairs. Just as Victoria was thrusted a tray with a pot of tea and plate of scones.

"His royal highness likes his tea from a brunette. Last time a blonde gave it to him she ended up with it poured down her. Poor girl had burns marks for weeks. Now go don't leave him and his men waiting." The servant said

"But I am a dress mender not a server to the king and his men." Victoria admitted

"Go. Hopefully he will be in a happy mood seeing a brunette like you. Don't speak just give him the tea , smile , curtsey and make your way back here. Only speak if he speaks to you and you should come back no harm done." The servant pressed and pushed Victoria up the stairs slamming the door behind her.

Carefully she walked into the sitting room where his royal highness and his subjects sat. Her hands trembled uncontrollably with every set she took into the sitting room. The thought of him pouring his scalding hot tea all over an innocent servant made her want to turn back around or better yet throw it over him instead. Checking herself in one of the many mirrors lining the sitting room corridor she took a deep breath as she finally stepped foot in the carpeted floor.

"Serve him from the left. serve him from the left." She chanted to herself as she approached the men sat laughing amongst themselves.

Her heart was beating out of her chest as she couldn't register his emotions as she reached the table. Placing the tray delicately on the table in front of him.

"Your new. Who made a new servant bring me tea? Where is my usual tea maid. sure she is a blonde but she is my usual." The King proclaimed to no one really in particular but Victoria felt it was directed at her.

"Um.. your usual servant is off sick your highness she has burns from the last time you poured your tea down her. shouting you didn't like blondes giving you your tea. your highness." Victoria said softly turning lightly on her heels ready to head back to the downstairs as quickly as she could.

"What's your name?" He asked

"Teller. Victoria Teller. But you must call me Miss Teller. Your highness." Victoria squeaked taking a step away from the table.

"Oh your Gulliver's newest victims to try and take reign over house Demure aren't you. Your pretty I get it. But not worthy of being eligible for the crown. A male must reign not you." His royal pain in the backside states making Victoria a little mad so she took another step away from the table quickening her pace back to the downstairs.

"I must be getting back to work your highness. if that is all." Victoria mumbled turning slightly to watch him lift his hand in the air giving her a dismissive wave.

He watched as Victoria headed back to the downstairs as wisps of her brunette hair fell from the messy bun that sat lowly to the right side of her head. His men also watching as the new servant made her way back to her job. But most of all his closest companion Lord Francis had seemed to take a liking towards the young girl. Watching her every movement as she cautiously walked through the sitting room corridor towards the downstairs. Lord Francis never took liking to the women his royal highness surrounded himself with. Not even the beautiful Lady Niomi of the Valois family made his head turn the way young Victoria had.

"Francis. She is a servant. you can have any girl you want from my collection. Not her. She is trouble I can tell. This has Gulliver written all over it." His Royal highness states picking up his cup of tea and taking a sip.

"But I don't want your women. I want my own. If I cant ever become King I at least want to find happiness. Besides she won't ever become queen. Even if Gulliver thinks she is capable. Women never last as Queen of the family let alone survive three years as Queen of the country." Francis sighs looking to the floor.

"That's the spirit but why settle for a servant girl like her when you could have a Lady in waiting from a fellow family who won't ever become Queen heir to the crown." His Royal Highness explains and Francis shakes his head in disagreement.

"I want to be happy with a women who would love me for me and not the title. A poor servant like her would never like me for my title." Francis says looking his royal highness in the eye this time.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Servant girls are sneakier than you think. don't forget this is a game of domination not a game of love. She seduces you. She gains access to the elite of this family. Then she has chance to throw me off my throne would you like that Lord Francis. Would you." His royal highness shouts rising from his chair.

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