40. Gulliver please

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Shortly after a lovely tea in town with the mother and her daughter she put on as a thank you for buying the matches. Victoria headed straight to Gulliver's house knowing he would be the best person to coax over to her side after all the trouble he caused playing about with the succession and the need for a real born heir. But she was willing to put that recent past behind her if it meant she could help the people. Knocking on his front door she waited for an answer. But one didn't come. So she knocked again. Still no answer. Frustrated she knew there was only one other place he could be.
The greenhouse.
Following the garden path to the right of his house she made her way to the greenhouse. Opening the door to the humid and moist air of it. Of course tucked in the back corner in his little reading hideaway was Gulliver. Reading his awfully tattered and worn book. Storming directly up to him she yanked the book out of his hand making him snap his gaze to her.

" What are you ... Oh your majesty what brings you here?" Gulliver asks

" You know the state the poor are living in." Victoria states and Gulliver panics

" What has brought on this sudden urge about the poor your highness." Gulliver asked trying to beat around the statement

" Gulliver don't do this I know you know. since you are the head of the court." Victoria presses and Gulliver takes in a deep breath.

" Ok I know. But it has to be the way or the game fails." Gulliver answers reluctantly

" You changed the rules of the game to suit yourself so now I want to change the rules. Fix the problem." Victoria angrily shouts then reigns in her anger knowing it won't get you very far.

" My changes were for good reason your majesty." Gulliver says standing up from his seat making him ever so close to Victoria.

" What reasons? It was all what you wanted." Victoria whispers and Gulliver composes himself.

" It wasn't what I truly wanted but it was the best I could do in the situation." Gulliver whispers

" Then the best thing you can do in this situation is help the poor. Then you might see the side of me you once saw." Victoria ends the conversation and Gulliver physically backs down

" I see the side I knew you had in you the day you walked into my office." Gulliver says and bows to her

" Fix it." She says and turns to leave.

His words swirling around in her mind. All his cryptic talk about how he played the game and she wants to play it too. But that's not how the game works. The tables can turn just once before things start to get dangerous. Order must be kept in these games and they both test each other. A deep tension that runs between them both. She was desperate to make the standard of living back to what it once was when she was a child. Before his royal pain drained them of every last penny they had for his lavish parties and balls. She wanted to see the children run around safely and happily. Not having to sell things on the streets to live she wants the parents to not have to chose between the clothes on their back or the food on their table. She wants to give them a standard of living of comfortability again. Use her royal stays for good. But everyone knows give too much and it can all go south. Turn the tables and the poor could become richer than the royals themselves. It has to be played safely.

After her discussions with Gulliver she headed back to the house to see her darling husband and her beautiful little son. As the gates opened the guards looked at her confusedly.

" Your majesty how did you leave without us knowing?" One of the guards asked

"I have my ways besides this is my house I know all the routes around." Victoria giggled at their dumbfound faces as the shut the gate behind her.

"You are a rare Royal your majesty." The other guard said

"I know. I shall change the game forever my dears. House Demure will have its first Royal to win the crown wars and it shall be me." Victoria says and both men smile

" If you say so your majesty." The guard said and she continued to walk to the house.

Heading straight to Johanthan's nursery. Where she found Francis sat on the floor with Johnathan playing with the toy cars Miss Florence had bought from the toy shop in town last week. Zooming all around the room Johnathan was giggling with pure joy and happiness as his father played alongside him adding sound effects. Victoria walked into the room and picked Johanthan up off the floor and gave him loads of kisses making him giggle further and scream mummy. Tickling him making him continue to scream and giggle.

" How are my two favourite boys." Victoria asked more directed at Francis.

" We have been playing cars all afternoon." Francis says and kisses Victoria's cheek to greet her.

" I have started to make the people's lives better. After visiting town earlier, then Gulliver to do something." Victoria says kissing Johanthan's forehead

" I heard from Miss Florence you took the horse." Francis said and Victoria smiled.

" I did and it was a wonderful ride. I felt free even if it was for a short amount of time. But I do want to ride more often now Johnathan is getting older and doesn't need my undivided attention." Victoria says and Francis nods.

" You my dear can do as you please." Francis says and kisses her forehead as she begins to tickle and blow raspberries on Johnathan's stomach.

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