45. Dazed and Confused

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Victoria awoke on her bed with a few servants and a worried Francis stood around the bed. Making her sit up abruptly which Miss Florence stopped making her lie back down.

"What happened?" Victoria asked

"You fainted your majesty." Miss Florence said

"But the ball." Victoria states and tries to sit back up

"You need to relax." Miss Florence said forcefully

"I am fine it must have been the alcohol. Now can I please go back to my ball." Victoria begged and Miss Florence stopped her again.

"We just have to get you checked over. Game rules your majesty." Miss Florence says fluffing up the pillow under Victoria's head.

The door opened and in came the doctor to check her over. He at first took her pulse and then took her temperature. Which she squirmed under as he used a cold glass thermometer. He then checked her chest and then decided to take blood. Even though Victoria spent the entire time squirming and wincing before during and after putting the needle into her left arm.

"Now we should have the results of these by next week. But until then your majesty you need to be on bed rest. We can't take any chances over the sovereign." The doctor says and Victoria sighed

" I am fine!" Victoria pressed and the doctor shook his head.

" You need to rest I will send over the results when I have them." The doctor states and Victoria huffs

" Can we rush the results. I cannot and will not stay on bed rest until then." Victoria begged and the doctor nodded

" I will try my best your majesty, now you should rest." The doctor said and every left the room at the same time leaving Victoria annoyed and alone lying in bed.

Staring at the door across from the bed Victoria screamed knowing she was fine was hard to tell to a bunch of people that had just seen her collapse and wake up a few hours later. Her head bag an to throb slightly so she closed her eyes knowing feeling sorry for herself wasn't going to get her out of the bed any quicker. Snuggling into the bed pulling the blanket over her she tried desperately to get comfortable. Falling into a peaceful slumber not long after.

Someone opened the door to her room and softly closed it behind themselves to not draw attention. Trying to keep the sound of their footsteps to a minimum to not wake her up. Raising their arm to her shoulder running it from there to her waist and back up again touching her face delicately. Moving a piece of hair that cover her pale skin off her face and tucked it behind her ear. Sighing they bent down to her level. Smiling to themselves as they stared at her pouted red tinted lips. She looked so angelic when she slept. Placing their hand on her cheek running their thumb along her cheek bone. Retracting it quickly when she stirred slightly turning from her side to her back so her full face was on view like sleeping beauty. Leaning down they placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and whispered.

" Soon you will be mine my precious."

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