25. then comes a ...

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"I now present to you the King and Queen of the Demure household." The priest exclaims and the crowd cheers as confetti is thrown over them as they left the chapel.

Victoria giggles as Francis tried to pull her along the pebbled drive in her heels. The newlyweds laughing as they walked back to the main area of the castle.

"Queen Victoria. What a beautiful name." Francis says and Victoria smiles

"Title you mean. Now I am higher rank then you." Victoria joked and Francis blushed

"I am glad you are my Queen." Francis says just as they are interrupted by a member of the court.

"Sorry to disturb the marital bliss. But I have a message from the court leader." The court member said

"Do go on. it must be urgent." Francis says.

"The court leader orders you to consummate the marriage tonight." The court member states with a straight face not looking either of them in the eye.

"Consummate the marriage?" Both Victoria and Francis exclaimed in unison

"That is what I said your highnesses." The court member states again not looking them in the eye

"Does that mean?" Francis starts and then stops horrified slightly

"I think it does. First a rushed marriage now this. The court is being harsh." Victoria mumbles so the court member cannot hear.

"Tonight. Miss Florence will make the bed and you shall consummate the marriage without protection of any kind. Court orders." The court member ends the conversation abruptly.

"Without protection. that means... oh no that means." Victoria starts and stops

"What does it mean?" Francis presses

"We will most likely end up having a baby." Victoria whispers hoping that her words would not ring true.

"We are not ready." Francis says

"I am too young to have a baby. I only just became Queen. I would like to get used to that change first. Not becoming a mother to an heir so soon." Victoria says and looks to the ground

"If that's what the court orders we have to. Besides we will get through Victoria just like we will get through being King and Queen of House Demure." Francis says lifting her gaze to look him in the eye.

"I trust your word Francis. Together." Victoria says

"Now lets go make that heir." Francis exclaims and Victoria hits him lightly

"Shhh." Victoria exclaims and they both giggle as they walk towards their now shared master bedroom.

The start of another new chapter was going to begin very soon. First they need to get used to reigning alongside one and other. But in nine months time the house will hopefully have an heir or two depending on what God blesses house Demure with. The people of House Demure are over excited at the  prospects of their first heir through marriage in over fifty years. Sharing their excitement through making sure the Queen was taken care of to the best of their capability since she was to carry the valuable heir of their family. It also meant as her bump got bigger she would have less duties since the other families would hold her as a target. New life means new challenges.

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