5. Servants aren't royals

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Each day Victoria served the royal his tea. It came with a round of questioning. That all lead to Lord Francis chasing after her as she made her way back down to the downstairs where she belonged. Well that's what his royal headache shouted every time Francis rose from his chair to follow the brunette. Francis was entranced by her beauty , grace and how effortlessly she disregarded the moaning and whining of the royal baby that was their king. Usually Francis would stop halfway down the corridor hiding from view as he watched her open the door to the downstairs shutting it behind her. Closing the divided between them both. But today was different.

Lord Francis rose from his chair. Followed the servant ignoring the Royals screaming and shouting about how immoral he was chasing after a poor little servant girl when he deserved better. Like a Lady. Grabbing her arm just as she her hand began to graze the handle of the door to the downstairs. Spinning her around to face him.

"Umm... I know this is unusual for a Lord to ask a Servant girl like yourself but would you like to accompany me for a walk around the grounds after dinner. It gets kind of lonely when you walk alone and father always said servants are good people to talk to so would you do me the honour Miss Teller." Francis rambled and she blushed a light shade of crimson

"It would get lonely if you were walking alone Lord Francis. One usually follows the other." Victoria giggled as it was his turn to go a slight tinge of crimson from his embarrassment.

"I guess it would so will you join me." He begged and she shook her head

"I am sorry Lord Francis. If his royal highness' mistress asks for another ladies maid then I shall be allowed to but if not I am afraid you must walk alone once more." Victoria whispers taking his hand off of her arm making his face drop.

"I forgot Miss Teller for a moment you serve his royal pain's many mistresses as well as him. One day Miss Teller I will get you on the evening walk. one day." Lord Francis mumbles and she smiles sadly

"A servant never forgets a Lords request." Victoria whispers in his ear giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Miss Teller. What ever was that for?" Francis asked in disbelief at the servants forward movements

"So you know you have my heart. Which means you must find a women of better worth than me. You deserve a women of higher ranking then I. To bear you heirs when you gain access to the throne after Royal cry baby in there. Please for me find a women who will do this for you." Victoria says and Francis tries to stop himself from getting upset.

Taking a step back from Victoria so he could watch as she opened the door down to the downstairs. His heart breaking in two as he is shut down by a poor little servant girl. But she told him to find a Lady and a Lady he shall. He will make a Lady out of her. First he must find a way to woo her and then court her. She would be the women to bear her heirs not some Lady from another family who only cares for money.

"Miss Teller. You are the only women for me and that is why I am pursuing what is frowned upon by the King. You deserve to be Queen of this family. But yet this country. Gulliver picked you for a reason and there is no way in hell I am going to let his royal highness stop you from getting all the way to Queen of this very country. With me by your side." Lord Francis says and she shakes her head

"Servants stay servants in this family Lord Francis. Nothing ever becomes of them and his royal highness will make sure of it." Victoria states waving at him as she shuts the door sighing heavily

Thankfully there was now a thin piece of wood between the two of them. Lord Francis stood staring at the door as if it would open and she would run into his arms proclaiming how much she loved him. How much she wanted to rule the family and country with him by her side. Any servant would jump at the chance. But not her. She was different. She didn't shut him down in any way she gave him hope and he would gladly rule under her regardless of their relationship title. Gulliver knew she had something special in her. She would be the one to take down his royal pain and break the spell of Kings reigning over them. She was the one.

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