47. Investigations

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Victoria was let off of bed rest but was under special supervision for protective purposes. Since the threat was still severe over her head but she tried her best to continue to live as normal a life as the court would allow. Francis walked into the bedroom with Johnathan crawling in front making her smile and pick him up throwing him in the air. Kissing his face continuously making him squeal and giggle with joy.

" How is my favourite little prince." Victoria said and he pulled at her hair which she quickly released from his grip.

" Has there been any witnesses come forward yet?" Victoria asked and Francis shakes his head

" There have been some but not enough substantial evidence to pin point any man. We don't even know if he was part of house demure." Francis says and Victoria sighs as Johnathan grabs at her necklace this time.

" I remember he was in similar dress to yours , so similar in fact I thought it was you. So he must have been part of the court. It was court dress I am sure of it." Victoria says hoping it would help.

" I will make sure we have a list of all court members attending and investigate each one." Francis says as Gulliver walked in.

" I'll send for the attendance and check the court against it. They use fake names at masquerades. To maximise the adulterous behaviour at them. Mine is usually Thomas Hawthorne." Gulliver says and Victoria nods.

" Then You both can check it will be lighter work." Victoria said and they both nod

" what ever you wish your majesty." Gulliver says and smiles making Victoria shudder slightly

" are you alright?" Francis and Gulliver ask both putting their hands on each of Victoria's shoulders

" Yes it's just a little cold. Do you mind shutting the window on your way out. If you can't do it call for Miss Florence she usually has the magic touch." Victoria says and sits on the bed with Johnathan on her lap.

Both Francis and Gulliver leave to call on Miss Florence and get attendance of the court members. While she sat and played with Johnathan who was crawling around the bed with a wooden car in his hand. Something had changed within her around Gulliver. She felt odd when he touched her but she couldn't understand why. Maybe it was because of all of the problems he caused throughout the game so far. Changing the rules of the game to force a marriage and baby upon Francis and Victoria for his own gain. Now he was being so nice again it was an odd sensation for her now after everything. Miss Florence came in and shut the window looking over and Victoria who was clearly in deep thought as Johnathan played around her with his car creating tracks in the sheets where it had gathered around his movements.

" What are you thinking about your majesty?" Miss Florence asked

" Doesn't Gulliver seem off to you?" Victoria asked and Miss Florence frowned in confusion

" Yes. But why has that got you so down?" Miss Florence asked her sitting next to her on the bed allowing Johnathan to sit on her lap driving his car up and down her leg.

" Ever since the ball he has been ever so helpful and every time he touches me I can't help but shudder. I don't understand" Victoria says running her hand through her hair in frustration

" maybe he reminds you of the masquerade man. I mean he is male and part of the court." Miss Florence said.

" The whole of,the court is male Miss Florence." Victoria says sarcastically earning a playful slap from miss Florence making Victoria gasp.

" You know what I mean. But what if he was the man." Miss Florence said

" He can't have been he said he didn't attend. He was at the gardens reading in the alcove." Victoria states

"Have they checked the court guest list ?" Miss Florence asked

" Both he and Francis are doing that as we speak." Victoria answers and miss Florence nods

"Hopefully it will lead us to somewhere." Miss Florence says and Victoria nods sadly.

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