18. All is well

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Each day left of the crown wars. Gulliver came to her room and just held her. He watched as the days went on her sobs became lighter and lighter as she soon realised time heals. She realised people still loved her regardless of what happened and it broke their hearts to see her this way. He sat with her through most nights as she cried. As , she stained each one of his shirts every night with her tears. Each night he wished he could have saved her. Stroking her hair on the final night of the crown wars her cries seemed to stop. She sat up and wiped her eyes.

"Is it over." She said and he nodded

"He has been killed if that's what your asking." Gulliver answered simply and wiped a stray hair from her face.

"Thank you. Thank you for staying with me." Victoria sobbed and smiled sadly

"Anything for you my future Queen." Gulliver said and kissed her forehead making her move closer to him and lean her head on his chest.

"I can't be Queen. I am not pure." Victoria mumbles and tries to get comfortable against Gulliver.

"You are as pure as you feel Miss Teller." Gulliver states without emotion twisting a piece of her hair around his finger

"I don't feel pure. Therefore I am not and therefore I am condemned a Servant until the day I die because of him." Victoria cries again and throws her face into her hands.

Gulliver lifts her gaze to face him. Looking her right in the eyes.

"Miss Teller. you shall be Queen in my eyes. For a woman to go through that and come out the other side its what you deserve. Regardless of what you feel." Gulliver says and she looks away

"Francis wont have me as his Queen. No one will. I tried to kill him." Victoria mumbles and Gulliver lifts her gaze again.

"I think you underestimate King Francis' affections for you Miss Teller. believe me I know how he feels." Gulliver says mumbling the last part more to himself as there was a knock at her door.

"I should be going Miss Teller. Now you are ok." He states abruptly fixing his jacket heading to the window

"You can't go. I am not ready to face House Demure again. Please." She begs grabbing hold of his hand

"It is best for the both of us and your place in House Demure if you get back to the real world. It may help the final part of your healing." He said and let go of her hand.

"Can I Still call?" Victoria asks

"Of course Miss Teller. You know where I am. Now I must be off." He says and is gone out of the window as she opens the door to her room.

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