14. Taken *warnings*

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The discussions were not wrong at promptly six in the morning the Valois Calvary tried to storm the south side wall of House Demure. King Francis leaped out of bed ringing the warning bell awaking all of the inhabitants of the house. Victoria pried herself from her bed to see Horse charge out of the stables and towards the south side. King Francis on his white horse leading them all in his red and gold pyjamas. She couldn't help but giggle at the sight of their King going into battle in his pyjamas. The rest of the servants rushed around making sure the medical bay was ready for any of the injured soldiers to be treated as quickly as possible. Medics were on standby as Victoria watched from the window of her room facing the south side. She watched as the flames of the torches were the only thing lighting it in the dark night. Waiting for the sun to arise. Gun shots and shouting could be heard through the thin walls as Valois slowly diminished the Demure military. Francis ordered his men for one final prong of attack but they were too quick.

The Valois men charged through the gate aiming straight for the house. She watched as they bounded into the house through the storage room. There footsteps pounding against the floor making the walls shake. She heard shouting about finding as much stuff as they could to sell. Victoria stood by the window just as her door creaked open. There was whispering from a few men and the sound of one pair of heavy boots walking into the room. Her breath hitched in her throat as he picked up the candle on her bedside. Struggling to pull her night dress over her any further to cover her modesty. Each step he edged closer and she looked at the window frozen in her place. In her mind she would have smashed the window and climbed down the drainpipe or just jumped. It wasn't that high after all. But she couldn't. His breath tickled her neck menacingly as she watched the candle flicker placing it down on the window ledge next to her. He touched her arm softly turning her around to face him.
Her heart rate quickened as she couldn't see the man's face. Only the outline of his body against the cold , moonlight bleeding in from the window. He lifted his hand to her hair and brushed it off her shoulders leaving her chest exposed slightly in her low cut night gown. Her chest rose and fell with each of his movements.

"Oh , Miss Teller. I have heard a lot about you." He whispered his breath fanning across her face. Biting her lip at the feeling trying to stop herself from doing something stupid that could make him kill her.

********************WARNING AHEAD****************

He ran his hand up the side of her body feeling her curves making her tense at his action. Placing his hand on top of her dress he ripped it slightly exposing her chest completely to him. Thankfully he could hardly see her body. Just the outline of her prominent features where the moonlight hit her.

"So beautiful." He says tracing his dirty hands over her breasts leaving trails making her skin crawl. he grabbed her by the waist and yanked her towards him.

She screamed. She cried as loud as she could. Knowing everyone should be awake. However , she could no longer hear the pounding of footsteps or shouting of voices from the rest of the house. It was silent. She screamed as loud as she could for help. She screamed until her voice cracked. Tears poured from her eyes as he touched her. Making her skin feel like she was burning alive. She cried for him. Anyone to help. But no one came. She beat against his chest for him to stop but he didn't. He kept going as if no one could here her. No one could hear her wails and cries for it to stop. Not even she could in the end.

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