Chapter Twenty-Four

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I put up my hood and opened the door. It creaked and I wondered if this would be the last time I heard that creak since I'd be living in the castle as a servant. It seemed annoying a week ago when every time I walked outside it creaked, but now that I might have to leave the house forever I wondered if I would miss it.

I led the way into the market. I made my way to the bread stand while the owner was arguing with a customer over the price. I grabbed a loaf and then ran over to the fruit stand. This one would be a bit harder, because it owner didn't have any other customers other than me. I'd have to distract him before I stole anything.

My eyes landed on an apple on the ground. I kicked it behind the stand and the merchant thought he had dropped it. He bent down to get the the apple and I was able to steal two more. Then I ran into the crowd so no one would suspect me. I looked around for Will but couldn't find him.

This is why I hate crowds. You can never find what you want, but they always seem to be able to find you.

I pushed my way out of the crowd and finally spotted Will. He was once again surrounded by people selling things.

"Buy some diamonds!"

"Would you like to purchase some fruit? It's fresh!"

"I've got lots of books! You could learn about anything!"

"I sell telescopes! They come in very handy if you are to set sail sometime!"

I quickly solved his problem by pulling down my hood and making my way over to him. All the merchants screeched about how the thief was going to steal all of their things. They sprinted away, leaving Will alone. If King Apollo hadn't removed the reward for me, they probably would've tried to catch me but since there was no more million-dollar reward, there was no need for that.

"Thanks." Will said.

"You're welcome. I got fruit and bread."

"I would've helped you but, um, I kind of attracted attention. I would've just messed it up."

"I'm sure you would've done fine." I smiled.

"Maybe." He smiled back at me.

"Do you want to have a picnic?"

"Sure. Where?"

"The woods?"

"Okay. Lets go."

I led the way to the forest just as a bunch of shouts erupted from the crowd.

"Where'd my bread go?!"

"I'm missing two apples!"

"It was the thief! We just saw him!"

"Well where is he?!"

"I want my apples back!"

"I want my bread!"

"Uh oh." I muttered. I grabbed Will's hand and started running.

Finally the shouting died down as we entered the forest. We went off the path in order to find a better spot for a picnic.

When we found one, I sat down and tossed Will his apple. He caught it.

He sat down across from me and bit into it.

The animals went silent around us.

Even the animals are afraid of you.

I got out my apple and ate it.

"If you could have any job you wanted, what job would you have?" 

"Hm... I've never really thought about it before. I don't know."

"I've always wanted to be a singer."

I smiled, "Really?"


"Why don't you become one?"

"I don't get a choice. My whole life was already planned out, they aren't going to change anything just because I want to become a singer."

"Well maybe you could show your dad that you would make a good singer."

"Yeah, right. You've met him. You know he wouldn't listen."

"Who knows? Maybe deep down he's a kindhearted guy who loves everyone and wants his son to be happy." He met my eyes and started cracking up, which made me start to laugh too.

There was no way he could become a singer, but I didn't have a choice with my future either. We weren't very different, really.

Word count: 679 words

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