Chapter Ten

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Wow, what's that I spot? It's an actually long chapter! And the third chapter I've posted today!

*two days later*

It'd been getting harder and harder to steal things. The king kept adding more and more troops to the village. If they saw me steal something, I'd be dead before Prince William could come save me.

"Bianca, I'm going out." I said one night.

She didn't answer. I frowned and went up to her room. She wasn't there.


I went into the living room and then into the kitchen- she wasn't there either.

"Bianca?!" I started panicking.

"Nico..." it was coming from my room.

I ran up there and saw her flipping through my notebook. (HAHAHAHA you guys probably thought she was dying or something. How many of you thought that?) I relaxed. "Bianca you scared me!"

"You didn't tell me you could draw like this." There were tears on her cheeks. "You have so much talent and it's wasted just because Mom-" she started crying.

"It's okay, Bianca. I'm okay."

"This isn't okay! You could've had a future! We both could've!"

"Bianca, really, I'm fine. We have each other right?"

She sniffed, "Yeah....Yeah, I guess we do..."

"See? It'll be okay. And you can still have a future, remember? And I'm sure I'll be able to find something."

If I live long enough, I thought.

She nodded. "Thanks Nico. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Bianca. Now, how about you get some rest."

"Yeah, okay."

I held her hand and walked with her back to her room. She got in bed and closed her eyes, and I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Bianca. I love you."

Ten minutes later I was out the door heading into town. To my surprise, the bread, fruit, and jewel stands were wide open for me to steal from. All the soldiers had left.

Why are all the soldiers gone? I wondered.

It was also completely silent. It wasn't like the town to leave their shops wide open where anyone could steal from them, especially when I was still here. I eyed the bread stand suspiciously.

"Who's there?" I shouted. There wasn't an answer.

Then I heard rustling from the woods on the other side of the forest. Someone was coming. I swiveled around to watch the forest, my hand going to my satchel where I kept my knife. I pulled it out and kept it ready.

Prince William emerged from the trees looking pale. "Nico, go back home before he-"

I felt hands on me. Schist. I struggled to get away even though there were more of them. I finally broke free and started running. I heard a clang and realized I had dropped my knife. I picked it back up and kept running, but I ran straight into someone. I pointed my knife at them. "Don't move!"

"I'm afraid what you're doing is a offense punishable by death.... what a shame, I really wanted to keep you as my servant."

The king....I'm pointing my knife at the king!

I felt someone else grab me from behind and I started struggling again.

"Hey, relax, it's just me." I turned to look at whoever was holding me. It was Prince William. I relaxed. He could get me out of this, right? "They didn't tell me they were going to do this, otherwise I would've warned you sooner."

"How did they know I was going to start stealing at night?" I asked him.

"My dad's spy heard you talking to your sister after the first time you were caught."

I paled. "They know where I live?"

"Yeah. Nico, I'm so sorry...."

The king forced me to look up at him. "This will be the last time you roam this city." I heard soldiers pull Prince William off me. He was yelling. A new person grabbed me and forced me to my knees, pressing a sword into my throat but waiting for permission to kill me. The prince's yelling got more desperate. King Apollo walked around behind me and said, "Or maybe I could still have you as a servant. You look strong, like you would do well cutting logs for my fireplaces."

The prince's yelling stopped.

King Apollo pulled me to my feet and the sword that was previously at my throat went back to the soldier's side.

"But, to make sure you don't escape this time, I'm going to put the handcuffs on you instead of some stupid guard who put them on too loose so you could get them off." He glared at a guard to his left.

I heard the clanking of handcuffs and soon felt the cool metal on my wrists. The king tightened them  so much that they dug into my skin. I hissed in pain and King Apollo walked in front of my, smiling in satisfaction. I wouldn't look at him.

"Dad, the handcuffs are hurting his wrists..."

"I really don't care, William."

Soldiers started pushing me forward, forcing me to walk.

"Wait!" The king said, stopping. "I need to make sure that he can definitely not get out of those." He approached me and I took a step back. He grabbed my arm and dug his fingernails into it, dragging them down, making a large gash in it. I yelped and finally he let go of me. My arm throbbed in pain. Prince William gasped when he saw what his father did to me.

"Dad! Y-you can't just do that! That's terrible!"

I swallowed and tried to ignore the pain. I wished I had never gone out to get bread tonight, and I wondered if my last words to Bianca would be what I told her tonight.

I really hoped not. I hoped I'd be able to escape and see her again.

WHA HA HA HA HA HA I bet a lot of you know what's gonna happen, but oh well! It's still really funny to read reactions in the comments.

Anyway, this is a fairly long chapter.

Word count: 1008 words

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